According to experts, Britney Spears’ ruling on conservatory is a blow

A judge’s decision to deny Britney Spears ‘father increased power over her case was a rare move that could indicate a diminished confidence in James “Jamie” Spears’ suitability for the role, experts said Friday .

Judge Brenda Penny, a Los Angeles Supreme Court justice, on Thursday denied that James Spears’ objections to sharing financial control of the conservatory were shared with a financial institution, Bessemer Trust, which was appointed co-conservator last year.

“The court appears to have some confidence in the father,” said attorney David Esquibias, who represented actor Amanda Bynes in her 2014 conservatory case. “There needs to be some conflict and some confidence in the father’s financial decision-making.”

Spears, 39, is the subject of the recent Hulu documentary ‘Framing Britney Spears’, which portrays her as a powerless subject of a mysterious conservatory in 2008 following what is being described as a public mental collapse.

James Spears took over as sole conservator in 2019 following the retirement of attorney Andrew Wallet. Britney Spears and her friends and fans have all made it clear that they distrust her father, and the star has long wanted to remove him from the role.

His lawyer, Vivian Thoreen, said in a statement on Thursday that he would work with Bessemer “in the best interests of his daughter.”

“My client Jamie Spears has performed his duties as one of Britney’s custodians diligently and professionally,” she said, “and his love for his daughter and the commitment to protect her is clear to the court.”

The ruling was not an overall victory for Britney Spears, but indicates that the court has abandoned the only control Jamie has enjoyed over the past many years over Britney and her affairs, ” said Scott Rahn, a conservator in Los Angeles. attorney, who was not involved in the Spears case.

Tamar Arminak, a conservatory lawyer who worked with Bynes’ parents, said: “The judge is starting to listen to Britney.”

According to Arminak, however, the arrangement indicates that James Spears will be in charge of his daughter for some time to come.

“I think what the court did was not an indication that Jamie would be removed at any point,” Arminak said. ‘I think there’s a reason they like Jamie Spears as the curator.

“It could be as simple as supervision and not taxing or benefiting Britney too much, or it could be long-term. Based on the unknown information, there’s a clear reason why she (Penny) still believes it’s in the best interest. of Spears is to have Jamie as a conservator. ‘
