Academy of Medicine considers prudent to hope more dates of Carvativir

La Academia Nacional de Medicina (ANM) Venezuela advises that it is prudent to hope to have more dates about the trials Carvativir, the medicine presented this January 24 by the mandate Nicolás Maduro as a “milagrosa solution” against the COVID-19.

According to the Ministry of Science and Technology of Venezuela, the Cavativir is a drug developed based on isotimol, a phyto-chemical compound (produced by plants) present in essential oils of tomillo. It has a “wide range of biological effects”: antimicrobial properties, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory drugs and modulators of humanitarian response.

CientMed, electronic publication of the Academia Nacional de Medicina de Venezuela, explains that there is no new algae treatment, since the extracts and pure products of the tomillo have a long tradition as therapeutic agents. The Carvativir is known for its chemical number of 2-methyl-5- (1-methylethyl) -phenol recombined, also called Carvacrol or 2-Methyl-5- (1-methylethyl) phenol.

Although Maduro announced the ruling that Carvativir, while the vocabulary also referred to as “the gothic militaries of Dr. José Gregorio Hernández”, did not test the efficacy and security during new months, without secondary effects or negative .

The Academy indicates that some preliminary publications signal that there are mechanisms of action of some obese strains. potential antivirals against coronavirus and influenza, pero recalculate that Venezuelans have more details about the future of medicine.

“There is only one conclusion valid with the information that has now become public domain: tomillo extracts, including many of the essential essential derivatives of this plant, have the therapeutic potential against coronavirus, without embarrassment, and should be tried by major dates of the tests of the Carvativir ”, said the preliminary note published by the National Academy of Medicine.

Alert that in order to qualify as an “anticoagulant” drug candidate you must follow the international protocols applied to the drug study that can help with the treatment of COVID-19, as sued at the moment with the remedy, which is being studied , with placebo, aleatorizados) with miles of patients and that in the end, according to the study Solidaridad de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), it is hello that does not reduce mortality.

An oral solution

Domingo passed, Maduro assured in a television allocation that the drug had the ability to “neutralize 100%” the coronavirus without generating secondary effects.

“We are experiencing massive experiments with all the patients who are being cared for at the Polidro de Caracas, at the Hospital de Coche. El Carvativir, here’s the ven, lasagicas milagrosas. Diez goticas debajo de la lengua cada quatro horas y el milagro se hace, se hace. It is an antiviral, very powerful, which neutralizes coronavirus, ”said Maduro.

The preliminary technical sheet of the drug describes it as an “inhibitor of the main protease of agent SARS-CoV-2” and adds that its active component is classified as Grass (generally recognized as safe) for human consumption.

Administered as an oral solution of 6 mg / ml enamel with enamel in 12-year-old patients with a weight of at least 40 kilograms, with these gasses taken from the tongue every four hours through these “at least” days.

This is January 25, the Venezuelan Society of Infectology (SVI) records that scientific societies follow the principles of evidence-based medicine. Inform that the existence of scientific studies about the Carvativir that hayan are sometimes seen in the revision of distinct groups.
