AC Valhalla fans are furious about Ubisoft prioritizing microtransactions over DLC

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla fans express their frustrations about how Ubisoft prioritized microtransactions over DLC and updates.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla players are not happy with how Ubisoft has so far handled monetization and content after launch and discloses their grievances online. Prior to the launch of the title in November 2020, Ubisoft unveiled a roadmap with plans for paid content. In comparison with AC Odyssey, said plans do not include as many free DLC details. Add to that Valhalla s’n aggressive microtransactions and there lies the perfect recipe for setbacks.

As Odyssey for this, Valhalla launched a slew of in-game purchase options on tow. Other than OdysseyHowever, Ubisoft has done little to address the issue in its latest version. And the issues abound. Players who want a stylish armor with decent stat bonuses, for example, must purchase it through the in-game store. Meanwhile, the armor sets available in the game are a time to unlock or it only appears much later in the experience. This is far from Odyssey, which had an excessive amount of equipment for which players could pick and choose.

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Fans started polling Ubisoft’s Valhalla-related priorities earlier this week following a viral Reddit message by user Zuazzer. The post, which currently holds about 4,800 likes, notes that Valhalla s’n in-game store sells nine armor sets, the same number of sets available in the base game. This did not help that Ubisoft continued to give priority to the release of more earnings content, as opposed to the introduction of additional updates to improve the game. Zuazzer also identifies monitored cosmetics as a concern, as it affects play and is often too expensive. A thread replies to the Redditor wholeheartedly agree, with many fans remembering how WBIE was forced to remove Middle Earth: Shadow of War’s microtransactions due to unwavering backlash from critics and players.

It is indeed worrying that much of Ubisoft’s focus on microtransactions seems to be. The fact that the publisher now only comes under such crap should also pay attention. Are in-game purchases so common that they are not getting backlinks now if Ubisoft overemphasizes them? Or maybe this particular conversation is overshadowed by the controversy surrounding Cyberpunk 2077, which was launched just one month later AC Valhalla?

Either way, Ubisoft has not yet responded to the hot water in which it is now immersed. How the publisher would handle the matter would currently be a mystery. But here’s the hope that fans have addressed their concerns before AC Valhalla’s first batch of paid DLC will be deployed this spring.

Following: Every historical figure in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S.

Source: Zuazzer

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