‘Abogado Melvin Bonilla no presentó denuncias por amenazas de muerte’, die president van Colegio de Abogados

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

The President of Collegio de Abogados de Honduras, Fredy Cerrato, dijo este viernes que el abogado Melvin Bonilla no presentun denuncias de amenazas que pusieran en riesgo su vida.

“Hablamos hace unes meses y no me meniona nada acerca de amenazas. We are very concerned, but all about those who are preoccupied with what in the Mayor’s cases all about impunity “, says Cerrato.

The Derecho professional also commented that in the last hours he has received reports by death threats of three abogados.

Además lea: Capturan al supuesto assesino del abogado Melvin Bonilla

“Without embarrassment, we have not yet responded to the authorities’ hicimus the corresponding solicitation.

Agreed with the National Observatory of Violence, 11 abogados perdieron la vida de manera violenta en el 2020.

“The big problem is the impunity, it is our element to be mayor in riesgo, because if those responsible are captured and the agreement is reached, the law will create a disastrous action, on the contrary they are from an open card “.

For her part, the penal lawyer Gracia María Beltrand stated that in 60% of cases the causes of this type of death are due to confidentiality as part of the profession.

While so, in 20% are treated by league liens to their jobs as tax authorities.

About the case

Attorney-at-Law Melvin Bonilla took care of her at 10:30 a.m. in the Alameda colony while criminal defense attorney y exjuez is driven on a pickup type vehicle and the height of a semi-trailer is intercepted by a subject on the side of a motorcycle, which in various occasions has given way to life.

The now ocsso, egresado de la International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA), raises legal cases of high impact in the country, between them the “Tony” Hernández, condensed by narcotics traffic in the United States.
