Abinader: “Brindarle acceso un una vivienda digna a los dominicanos es una fundamental theme par el Gobierno”

President Luis Abinader warns that Brindarle’s access to a dignified life for the Dominicans is a fundamental theme for his administration

During the presentation of the second phase of the “Ciudad Altos de la Rivera” livelihood project, the mandate ensures that all actions and steps that are necessary are taken to encourage the right to materialize for all Dominicans and Dominicans. ”.

The project, realized by the Dominican Confederation of Micro, Pequeñas en Medianas Empresas de la Construcción Inc. (Copymecon), with an investment of RD $ 2,362 million that will generate between direct, indirect and beneficiary employees, a positive impact for more than 33 people and in this case a centenary of companies, said Abinader.

Aseguró que “hacer progresar a la Republican Dominica hacia el futuro es lograr que las families de nuestro pais cuenten con la real posibilidad de aceder al element important de todo patrimonio: Su casa, su hogar”.

I understand that the integration of the Mipymes constructors in the development of low-cost living within the framework of the Ley 189-11, on the basis of the Development of the Mortgage Market and the Fideicomiso of the Dominican Republic,

Dijo que a este sector se le mantenido al margen durant demasiado tiempo “pero ahora cuentan con el resploss del gobierno para trabajar juntos y conseguir el desarroll de del sector”.

The president of Copymecon, Eliseo Cristopher, signaled that this is a project of the Copymecon Fideicomis program initiated in 2016, and exemplifies the integration of the construction companies in the low cost living environment, including the 189 el Desarrollo del Mercado Hipotecario y de Fideicomiso de la Republica Dominicana.

The program has a national share and claims to be short and mediocre, with more than 1,200 plots, including young and old, formalized, competitive and generally capable construction projects in the public and private sectors.

It has been said that in the past it was contemplating livelihood projects following the scheme of the Private Public Alliance (APP), projects with high levels of social awareness, but no type of participation in the livelihoods was constructed. fueron construidas por unas vinte emprasas, convertiendose dichos projectos de competency desleal para nuestro pujante y cooperador sector ”, express.

“During various governing hemos hecko great efforts for the mipymes constructors are included in the development plans of the nation, including supplementing with the requisites of lines 488-08 and 340-06, being a subordinate sector to be able economics in all the cities of the country ”, express.

The project, which has 84 plots, is located 22 kilometers from the Las Americas Highway and has 1,168 apartments in one of three apartments that will be built in May of this year.
