AAE crashes in the Carolina, Trujillo Alto, San Juan and Guaynabo sectors

An accident on the high-voltage lines that are located between the Sabana Llana and Monacillos transmission centers Electricity Authority (AEE) dejó sin luz esta madrugada a sober 10,000 subscribers of sectors of Carolina, Trujillo Alto, San Juan and Guaynabo.

The Deputy Director of Public Corporation Operations, Fernando Padilla, indicated El Nuevo Día at the moment the reason for the accident that occurred at 5:30 am is known, but brigades are working in the area. No estimate is given of an estimated time for system recovery.

“During the high madrugada, I had an event at the Sabana Llana transmission center near Carolina, which also affected the Monacillos transmission center. High altitude lines that discourse between Monacillos and Sabana Llana will take place at an event. The tenants will be in the area to be able to identify the cause of the accident and be able to enter the rest of the customers who are in service ”, dijo.

Establishment that in which va manana was added subscribers to the system, but the substations of Encantada and Conquistador, in Trujillo Alto, are in service.

“If this pedophile of Carolina, San Juan and Guaynabo is visualized, it is the year of the event and the mayor will be on hand to provide services to the clients. Currently, we have over 10,000 customers in service. Once the staff has determined the cause of the accident, we will be energizing the new bar to enter the basement and be able to energize the customers who are driving, ”he said.

For his part, the President of the Union of Electricians and Electrical Industry Workers (Utier, by his seal in English), Jaime Figueroa Jaramillo, denounced in WKAQ-580 AM the warning is anticipated and no waiting has been made for a special truck to wait for this type of fall to take place..

‘This accident has been detected. Ayer, what we call a hotspot at the Sabana Llana transmission center. Do you know why it is not corrected? Because we do not have a truck. The truck has been hit by a car that crashed in Puerto Nuevo and has been driven by the authorities, which are the same as the one driving the three-year-olds, they did not have the capacity to attend. problem ”, detail.

Agreed with Jaramillo, this truck has the capacity to connect to line 115 and 230 “in vivo”. “The companies will be located on the part of the line, but will not have this truck available, this point in the switch of 115 and 230 can not be repaired on the day of departure. Suerte y verdad, a lo mejor pasa y no pasa, pero pasó “, lamentó el líder syndical.

El Nuevo Día solicited a response from the AEE regarding this denunciation, but has not yet responded.
