A year of preventive imprisonment against Argenis Contreras over the death of Yuniol Ramírez

The internal juxtaposition of the Juzgado of the Instruction, Kenya Romero, imposed a year of preventive imprisonment against Argenis Contreras, the principal accused of the death of the lawyer and chairwoman Yuniol Ramírez, in October 2017.

The magistrate disposed that the taxpayer was compiling the media at the Najayo Correction and Rehabilitation Center.

In addition, it will be held on March 19 at 9:00 a.m. as the starting point of the preliminary hearing in the Juzgado District Instruction of the National District.

Plutarco Jáquez, Cotreras’ lawyer, says that in Najayo – men on defense will have all the guarantees that their life will not cause any problems.

Geen han llegado a acuerdo con el MP

It is said that he did not agree with the Public Ministry, as he was collaborating and will continue to collaborate.

Además indicates that at 5:00 of the late of this year, Argenis Contreras will be taken to the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic to conclude the interrogation.

Dijo that the accusation of él is the scheme of other involved in this case that has been declared complex, of association of malicious and assigned.

The lawyer Ramón Ramírez, Yuniol’s German, expressed that he complied with the mediation of coercion. Consider it to be a fixed setting.

The respondent asks the periodicals that Argenis did not speak in the tribunal.
