A year after saying it would release 93 games over five years, Take-Two says it will release 93 games over five years

Nearly a full year after it was announced that they plan to release 93 games in the next five years, Rockstar Games parent company Take-Two Interactive has once again said they will release 93 games in the next five years. This number comes from Take-Two Interactive’s earnings link today, in which the company gave the very specific number without acknowledging that a year has passed since it first gave the number, or explains how its releases the past year fits into the planned list of exactly 93 titles.

Asked by an investor about the call to expand on how the past year has affected the number, Take-Two president Karl Slatoff apparently indicated that ’93 titles in five years’ would start as a benchmark in 2020 has and not merely relocated as a new goal to start in 2021.“The ’93 titles’ we put out there were a screenshot, it was a moment in time,” he said. “And we haven’t really given any updates about it since. Of course things are moving in and out all the time, it’s not that long yet, so you can not really expect that there will be a significant amount of movement, but I can you sure say there are things that have fallen out and some things that are back in. But overall these are still pretty good numbers.We expect this pipeline to be liquid we get things through different milestones so it will change over time, but we did not provide any additional updates other than the initial announcement we made. ‘

He also outlined some statistics on the company’s expectations for the 93 titles, which by the way are again the same statistics he gave in May last year: 63 titles are ‘core player experiences’, 17 are’ center ‘and 13’ comfortable. ‘He expects 47 of the expenses to be existing IP, while the rest is a new IP. 72 are planned for console, computer and streaming services, with seven of the 72 switching to mobile devices; 23 of the 93 are on mobile devices only. And 67 of the games are premium releases, while 26 can be played for free.

This is not to say that Take-Two has not made progress in the past year with the goal of 93 issues. In 2020, its subsidiaries released a number of games, including Disintegration from Private Division, and numerous games from 2K Games, including Carnival Games, NBA 2K21, XCOM: Chimera Squad, WWE 2K Battlegrounds, and Mafia: Definition Edition. It also released various DLC packs (which Slatoff had previously planned did not count towards the 93 game releases), as well as older games being re-released on new platforms, such as Borderlands 3 and NBA 2K21 coming to the next generation of platforms , and BioShock: The collection is coming to Nintendo Switch – it’s unclear if it will be included with the 93.

This is probably also an indication of a milestone in the current financial year, which Take-Two is still in the middle of and which ends on 31 March 2020. It is possible that the company will have a more complete account of its progress towards the 93 releases in the next quarter, which will include its earnings and targets for the new financial year.

Upcoming games that may be under this number include the yet to be announced GTA 6, a new BioShock game, Kerbal Space Program 2 (which has been delayed until at least 2022), and the usual annual lead of 2K sports titles, including NBA 2K.

Take-Two reported another strong quarter of earnings, including new record milestones for GTA Online and Red Dead Online, while former engagement numbers rise after the release of the Cayo Perico Heist late last year.

Rebekah Valentine is a news reporter for IGN. You can find her on Twitter @duckvalentine.
