A woman who said she wanted to shoot Pelosi ‘in the’ brain ‘during the riot in the Capitol

Two women have been arrested in connection with the US riot in the Capitol, where one of them posted a video on social media saying they were looking for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ‘to brainwash her. “But we did not find her,” according to federal prosecutors.

Dawn Bancroft and Diana Santos-Smith were arrested in Pennsylvania on Friday after federal authorities received a tip about the “selfie” video, which was apparently filmed by Bancroft, according to the criminal charge. The video featured Bancroft wearing a red “Cap America hat” hat and a Santos-Smith wearing a “Make America Great Again” baseball cap in an attempt to leave the American Capitol building with a crowd other supporters of former President Donald Trump on January 6.

“We broke into the Capitol … we came in, we did our part,” Bancroft said in the video, according to the complaint. “We were looking for Nancy to shoot her in the brain, but we did not find her.”

In an interview with the FBI around Inauguration Day, Santos-Smith initially told authorities she attended the Trump rally but did not enter the Capitol building. When agents showed her Bancroft’s ‘selfie’ video, Santos-Smith admitted she lied. Santos-Smith said she entered the Capitol to protest, but according to the criminal charge, did not plan ahead.

While both Bancroft and Santos-Smith admitted that they entered the Capitol building “for about 30 seconds to one minute,” they denied entering any offices.

In a video screenshot, Dawn Bancroft wears a red “Cap America America Again” hat, and Diana Santos-Smith wears a red “Make America Great Again” ball hat during the U.S. Capitol riots. January 6, according to the FBI.via FBI

Both women are facing charges, including knowingly entering restricted buildings and entering the Capitol grounds without legal authority, violent entry and disorderly conduct.

Bancroft and Santos-Smith are among at least 160 people federally charged with crimes related to the riots that left five people dead. Among them are also the supporter of QAnnon, Jacob Anthony Chansley – also known as Jake Angeli or “Q Shaman” – and Dominic Pezzola, a well-known member of the far-right nationalist group the Proud Boys.

Chansley, who was photographed during the riot at the Capitol wearing a 6-foot spear and a horn-like fur costume, pleaded not guilty on Friday to charges that they entered a restricted building without legal authority and for violent trespassing and disorderly conduct on Capitol. grounds, show court documents. A day earlier, his lawyer Chansley offered to testify next month during the indictment of former President Donald Trump.

Pezzola was one of the first to lead the charge outside and inside the Capitol, effectively overpowering police defenses after stealing an officer’s riot shield, according to a document filed by prosecutors who want Pezzola to continue until trial.

“The actions of the accused show planning, determination and coordination. His outspoken desire to commit further acts of violence, along with his access to weapons and bombing guides, is extremely worrying,” the court document read.

Prosecutors, citing social media messages and surveillance videos, said Pezzola and another Proud Boy member helped thousands of people reach Capitol grounds after moving a piece of fence that left police unprotected. Pezzola allegedly pulled out a riot shield and used it to break a building window.

“In addition, although the accused surrendered to the arrest warrant, he did so only after fleeing, changing his appearance and apparently turning off his cellphone,” the documentation said of Pezzola’s actions after the riot. .

The FBI has found evidence to suggest that some rioters coordinated the assault on the Capitol, which included Pezzola’s actions, while discussions about potential violence also took place online in portals such as TheDonald.win, Parler and Telegram.

The additional arrests come as authorities are stepping up security measures for U.S. lawmakers. On Thursday, Capitol police asked members of Congress to report travel plans to increase protection for traveling lawmakers through the region’s largest airports and Washington Station in Washington.

Pelosi, D-California, said part of the threat was an “enemy” inside the room, referring to colleagues who “wanted to bring guns to the floor and threatened violence against other members of Congress.”

Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., Said Friday she was requesting her Capitol office from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga, to move away and claims she “advised” her in the hallway without a mask.
