A woman giving 62 gallons of maternal food to mothers who need it

(CNN) – When Katy Bannerman opened her desk, she was stealing packages of maternity leave: more than 234 liters, in fact. During the coronavirus pandemic, this mother of two nests, from the North Carolina, commenced to donate to her mother-in-law extra mother to other mothers who had lactate deficiencies.

Bannerman was inspired by his own experience to donate the excess of his mother-in-law, despite the fact that she had problems with lactation during the infancy of her first child. But, even though he was embarrassed by the second, he decided to overcome his previous difficulties.

After searching for the help of a private lactation assessor, Bannerman started producing more than needed and extra 2 liters of maternal milk in one day. Entones, decided to donate the excess of his leche to help the moms who had difficulties like the ones she had before.

“It’s the type of person who wants the recipient (the leche). Alguien has a lot of problems with lactation for another reason, “Bannerman told CNN.


Katy Bannerman has two lactation problems with her first hip, but she can be superlative with the second.

In principle, when starting to produce more than necessary, Bannerman did not know what to do with such extra motherly food. Entries are accruing to local Facebook groups in which the municipalities maintain online communities in the field of maternity lactation and amantment, and that include petition of maternal mothers.

Bannerman ended up publishing about his excess of leche and receiving tons of messages from interested mothers.

“I’ve been content to donate. In a moment, ten people are constant to the one who gives, who comes all the weeks », related.

Many women have problems with lactation

One of the families who benefited from Bannerman’s donations adopted a recent baby and needed maternity leave. Another family has a baby who suffers from recurrence of the crime, a condition in which the weight of a child is significantly lower than other children of similar ages. Bannerman’s maternity nurse has a high content of grass that can help increase the baby’s caloric intake and make him gain weight faster.


Vacation rentals are available for booking with motherhood.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 60% of breastfeeding mothers die before they die. Some of the factors that cite its lactation problems, lack of familiar support and concerns about the weight and nutrition of its babies. The Pediatrics Academy of Pediatrics also recommends that babies be fed exclusively with maternal milk during their first six months. Without embarrassment, it was only about 25% of the time.

During the infancy of his first hijo, Bannerman can only make amends during two months. “I can not love you as much as I do and I have a terrible way of doing things”, he said.

Bannerman, who was accused of being unfaithful to the situation and feeling like he had fallen ill, decided to look for the help of a private lactation assessor for his second child. When it comes to overcoming lactation problems, Bannerman now has an interest in women’s buskar all the resources available for mothers.

“It’s another reason why donating is so important to me, that women can take care of themselves and take care of their babies and their children,” Bannerman explained.

In October, Bannerman dejon to extract the excess of leche materna. Donated his last summit in December.
