A violinist and assesino series was strangled in his cell in California

The Rees series Roger Reece Kibbe (AP)
The Rees series Roger Reece Kibbe (AP)

An Asesino series is a series of authorities strangled and violated to my heart in California fue assesinado de esa misma mannera en la celda de la prisien statas en la que se encontraba, informe este mercoles las autoridades penitenciarias.

Roger Reece Kibbe, known as the “Stranger I-5” In the 1970s and 1980s, the home was found with its 40-year-old partner in a barn. Tenía 81 years.

By means of the autopsy, it is determined that whoever strangled Kibbe had his hands, according to the policy of the Amador state, which called for death with homicide.

Jason Budrow, suspect in the death of his cell partner, Roger Reece Kibbe (AP)
Jason Budrow, suspect in the death of his cell partner, Roger Reece Kibbe (AP)

No charges have been filed for Kibbe’s bankruptcy.

In 1991, Kibbe was found guilty of initially stealing a Darcine Frackenpohl, 17 years old, who lives in his house in Seattle. The body of the chic cascade was found in September 1987 on the west side of South Lake Tahoe, at the Echo Summit parade ground.

Investigators say there are suspicions that he was involved in other similar homicides.

Prohibition of probes, It was not until 2009 that an investigator from the San Joaquin Federal Fiscal Office investigator approved new advances in determining evidence for vinegar with other six homicides. in various northern California neighborhoods, the deadly carcasses were found in Interestatal 5 in other cartridges in 1986. Before that, Kibbe had multiple deaths perpetrated by homicides.

The authorities affirm that it has never done so with the intention of showing that it was responsible for other homicides. Investigators are looting prisons to make way for the camp with the hope of revealing the most vulnerable.

Solían bought a McMuffin hat and a Coca Cola for breakfast, another Coca Cola, a hamburger and fried fries for the committee, said Vito Bertocchini, sheriff’s detective and federal prosecutor for the San Joaquín district, at The Sacramento Bee.

Bertocchini persisted during these decades in Kibbe and created that he assisted other people in the lap of 10 years between his first and last known homicides.

Investigators have found other female assassins who were shot dead in blocks. The groups present the characteristic brand of Kibbe: shorten the ropa of the victims in extravagant patrons.

Fue captured when the Sacramento police said a potentially fatal escape and agents recovered a garment made with cylindrical pieces of wood, as well as a set of parachutes, tires and other objects.

(With AP information)


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