A user of a Ford Mustang Mach-E electric receiver receiving Tesla fanatics by alabar demasiado to his car


8 Apr 2021 09:06 GMT

The man, an enthusiast of electric cars, now thinks of desecrating a Tesla of his property to avoid the negative associations that the generation has over the cybercrime.

An owner of a Ford Mustang Mach-E electric car has been converted into the blanks of a group of Tesla fanatics by someone who went to his car, Detroit Free Press reports.

Sergio Rodríguez, 41 years old, is a EE.UU Military and Veteran Contractor. Enthusiasts of electric vehicles, including a Tesla Model X, can only imagine that there is an allegory for the efficiency of a coach in death threats hacia on persona.

Last February, California’s men traveled to Georgia in their Ford Mustang Mach-E and shares his positive emotions about what is happening in his social speeches. Fue entonces cuando fue accusation to be paid by Ford to promote this sports utility vehicle.

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Pero eso solo fue el principio. When sharing your posts in a community of Tesla Facebook and Tesla Owners Worldwide, the attacks are multiplied.

Some users use the desearon that they accidentara what is his car take awayRodríguez recalls that at the moment 65% of the comments of this forum are about it.

If this is the case, please read a private message: “Conozco came to you Tesla”.

After Rodríguez reported the comments made on Facebook and Twitter, these platforms were eliminated. Sondeverbod, todavía siente el impacto del ciberacoso sufrido. “A part of me wants to deshacerse de mi Tesla simply to not have this association “, confessed ‘n Detroit Free Press.

A premium sports utility vehicle

The Ford Mustang Mach-E has received various reconnaissance, including the premium to Vehicle Utility Deportivo del Año 2021 of Norteamérica.

The coach has a 480 CV (358 Kw) engine, running at 100 km / h 3.5 seconds in the variant of extended autonomy battery and total traction and can have an autonomy of up to 490 km, depending on the modification.

The vehicle incorporates in its interior a 15.5 “tactile pants and has access to the cloud, programming of loading and unloading time, reconnaissance of your major and other functions to perform a manejo personalized.

Se ofrecen tres modes of conduct, Whisper, engage y unbridled. The Mach-E line models are commercialized from 42,895 to 60,500 dollars in its basic versions.

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