A tip left behind is an American custom. Why is this a problem?

Tipping is an important American custom. In the US, consumers charge a fee for services ranging from baggage handlers at the airport to housekeepers at hotels.

According to some analysts, tipping has created an environment where restaurant servers are subject to sexual harassment and low pay. The pandemic only exacerbated the problems.

About three-quarters of the employees in the restaurant industry are women and almost half are colored.

In a study by One Fair Wage and the Food Labor Research Center at UC Berkeley, 83% of restaurant workers reported that their tips had decreased during the Covid pandemic and that more than 40% had a change in the frequency of unwanted sex. experienced customer feedback.

With the pandemic that millions of people are doing essential work for low salaries, there has been a renewed demand for a minimum wage of $ 15 and the elimination of the so-called typical minimum wage – the basic salary for many restaurant workers.

Forty-three states, including Georgia, North Carolina and Texas, have a minimum wage for workers, in some cases just $ 2.13 per hour.

Yet there are many in the restaurant industry who oppose the proposed changes, saying it will lead to higher menus and fewer hours for workers. According to the National Restaurant Association, the pandemic has already taken a devastating toll on the industry, wiping out 2.5 million restaurants and more than 110,000 eateries by 2020.

Watch the video above to find out what the $ 15 minimum wage would mean and eliminate the minimum wage for restaurants and their employees.

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