A thesis on the history of medicine in Sail XVIII Ghana a research award from the Yuste Foundation


The doctoral thesis “Surgeons, practices and surgical surgeries in Portuguese America in the XVIII century”, by the Brazilian Monique Palma, has obtained the I Award from the Ibero-American Doctoral Thesis which convenes the European Academy Foundation.

The award, endowed with 3,000 euros and the publication of the doctoral thesis, took place in the market of the International Congress ‘Relations between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean: a meeting space’ celebrated between the days 18 and 20 March from the Real Monastery of Santa Maria de Guadalupe.

In this work, which deals with the exchange of persons and acquaintances between Europe and Latin America, and especially between Portugal and Brazil, the jury called “its high scientific quality and the brilliance of defense on the part of its author”, informs the Join in a press release.

This doctoral thesis, centered on Sail XVIII, was considered vigilant in the current world sanitary situation, exposing the exhaustive manner, attenuating and improving the currents of knowledge and living conditions during sailings between Europe and Iberoamerica, as the “is a study of the processes of the circulation of persons and of acquaintances in a world that tends to globalization”.

Doctor Monique Palma unveiled the importance of this award in order to promote the investigation, and in this regard he noted his satisfaction in receiving this bill, a recognition that it is “an estimate to follow investigating and to give me more knowledge” .

Palma elaborates on his work that he has centered on his three priorities: the profile and a socio-professional framework of the surgeries in Portuguese America; medical-quirurgical practice in sailing XVIII in Portugal and Latin America and, ultimately, the circulation of waste in this area between these two regions.

Monique Palma is a Doctor of History at the University of Porto, Portugal. Master in History of the University of Maringá, Brazil. Member of the Center for Cultural Transdisciplinary Investigation, Space and Memory of the University of Porto.

Currently, working as an investigator in the project DUNES o Mar, a Areia e as Gentes, del Centro de Historia de la Facultad de Letras de la Universidad de Lisboa. Recipient of the International Award for Doctoral Level Investigation “Pina Manique – From the Illustration to the Liberal Revolution”, from the Portuguese Academy of History / Pina Manique Foundation, 2020.

The jury was formed by Professor of American History at the University of Extremadura, Sigfrido Vázquez Cienfuegos; the researcher and winner of the III edition of the Thesis Doctoral Award Fernando Serrano Mangas, Natalia K. Denisova; Professor of Languages ​​and Informatics Systems at the University of Extremadura, Elena Jurado Málaga; the Professor of History of Art of the University of Extremadura, Rosa Mª Perales Piqueres; and the director of the European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation, Juan Carlos Moreno Piñero, who presided over the jury.


The European and Iberoamerican Academic Foundation of Yuste convenes the Iberoamericanas Doctoral Thesis Research Award to finalize the best doctoral thesis that, led during the last two years in Spain, Portugal , deals with thematic relations between Spain, Portugal or Europe with Iberoamerica and vice versa, from a historical, cultural, social, scientific, economic perspective or from any other study destination.

This edition presents 55 doctoral dissertations defended in 32 universities of European and Latin American countries: Spain, Portugal, France, Honduras, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Ecuador, Italy, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia.
