A teenage girl wearing ‘Everything will be OK’ T-shirt was shot in the head on Myanmar’s bloodiest day of protests


Bystanders flash a three-fingered sign of resistance while driving the body of Kyal Sin, also known by her Chinese name Deng Jia Xi, in Mandalay, Myanmar, on Thursday, March 4, 2021. AP Photo

  • Wednesday was the bloodiest day of protests in Myanmar since the army’s coup in February.

  • A 19-year-old girl with a shirt that reads “Everything will be fine” was shot in the head on Wednesday.

  • Photos of Kyal Sin before her death went viral, prompting continued defiance among protesters.

  • Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.

Nineteen-year-old Kyal Sin, known as Angel, made thorough preparations before entering the streets of Mandalay on Wednesday.

She left a contact number and details about her blood type on a social media account with another request – if she died, she wanted her organs donated.

Angel attended Myanmar’s anti – coup protests for almost a month and knew the dangers of the increasingly violent junta.

But none of her precautions or prior awareness diminished the tragedy of her brutal death: she was shot in the head by the security forces of Myanmar on Wednesday during the bloodiest day of protests in the country.

Since her death, the teenage activist has become a martyr for fellow protesters in Myanmar, prompting the constant defiance with the message worn on the T-shirt when she was killed: “Everything will be fine.”

After more than a month of protests over a military coup on February 1, demonstrations for democracy have become increasingly deadly in recent days as military officials escalate violence by firing stun grenades, tear gas and live ammunition at protesters. use.

Protesters took to the streets for the first time in early February after Myanmar’s army announced it would take control of the country for at least a year, citing unfounded claims of voter fraud as justification for the coup.

Angel joined the growing number of people killed in the streets of Myanmar on Wednesday when she was shot in the head as she fought for the country’s vile democracy – the one for which Angel proudly cast her very first vote last year.

“My very first voice, wholeheartedly,” she apparently posted. “I did my duty for my country.”

One of Angel’s fellow protesters, Myat Thu, told the exhaust valve that the young activist looked at and protected other protesters during the protests, and kicked open a water pipe to flush the tear gas out of people’s eyes and a return gas can to the security forces. .

Thu said police first beat them with tear gas and then switched to bullets. Only later in the day did Thu say he heard a girl had been killed.

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A mourner will salute the three fingers during the funeral of Ma Kyal Sin. Thousands of people attend the funeral of Ma Kyal Sin (Angel) who was shot dead by the Myanmar Security Forces on March 3, 2021 during the protest against the military coup. Photo by Kaung Zaw Hein / SOPA Images / LightRocket via Getty Images

Angel was not the only one killed by a head shot. According to Reuters, more than a dozen protesters were killed in the same way, raising the suspicion that certain protesters are being targeted. Last weekend, a bystander was also shot in the head in Mandalay.

According to the BBC, more than 54 protesters have been killed by security forces in the past month, although other reports estimate that the number is much higher. Wednesday was the bloodiest day since the coup began with at least 38 deaths across the country. According to the New York Times, at least three children have been ‘shot dead’ in the country in the past month.

“Myanmar’s army must stop killing and protesting protesters,” United Nations Michelle Bachelet said in a press release. “It is utterly appalling that security forces are firing live ammunition at peaceful protesters across the country.

Photos of Angel during the protests that led her fellow protesters while wearing her defiant T-shirt galvanized social media while her friends, family and supporters from around the world mourned the taekwondo champion who wanted to dance.

According to the BBC, large crowds gathered on Thursday to lead the march at Angel’s funeral.

The exhaust valve reported that Angel’s aunt spoke during her funeral.

“I feel sad, but they must fall soon. Our battle must win.”

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