“A star without the recognition that merciía, an actor practically in the olvido”

3 | 09/04/2021 – 17:42 (GMT-4)

The Cuban actor Erdwin Fernández Collado lament the circuits in which he lived his last years with his colleague Frank González, who passed away this year 74 years ago tras suffers a cerebrovascular infarction.

According to Fernández in his Facebook wall, the reconciliation and popular history of the reconnaissance group that mercy and habitation took place in the “of women in Crean” movie.

“Descansa en paz, Frank González, uitstekende akteur. Nuestro respeto. Elpidio manigüero hooi uno solo. ¡Hasta la vista, compay!”, Expresó.

“A star without the recognition that is mercury, an ACTOR practically in the life of women no creature and gustan olvidar. From the part of us, reputation, our respect and admiration”, concluded.

Frank González queds in the public record about everything to see the voice of the animated Elpidio Valdés, papel que comenzó a hacer en 1978 y dio initiat un un fructifera colaboración con el realizador, también falecido, Juan Padrón.

The actor lives up to his dreams. One of his last public appearances on October 24, when he visited the José Martí Memorial in La Habana to receive the National Television Award 2019.

Tomadas images in the act of showing that a large deterrent to his salute is taken.

Photo: ICRT

Apodado as “the man of the miles”, González put his voice on dozens of characters in various animated animations produced by the Cubano Institute of Art and Cinematographic Industry (ICAIC), as well as the sympathetic Movie Minutes, Vampires in La Habana, Matojo, in addition to Elpidio Valdés.

“Me enorgullece mucho que cuando alguien me vea por la calle diga: ‘¡Mira, por ahí va Elpidio Valdés!'”, Dijo en una aktion a portal Cubasia.

Also double animated Japanese like Mazinger Z y Voltus V., which is exhibited in the decades of the 80s and 90s in the island.

The popular artist developed an extensive trayectoria in television, radio and Cuban cinema, giving the role of dissimilar since 1969, in which he began his career as an actor.

The humorist Ulises Toirac offer his condolences on his Facebook wall.

“Acabo de enterarme de la muerte de Frank González. Tristísimo. Se fue un actor genial y total. Culpable de lotos de mis entusiasmos viendo tele, de muchas risas y asombros”, escribió.

“Thank you for letting go of your voice in our children’s animations”, commented the humorist Ivan Camejo.

As soon as the Cuban Union of Writers and Artists convenes, the dead remains of Frank González will be cremated on his family’s petition.

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