A side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine mimics a breast cancer symptom; experts say do not worry

Aubrey Lewis, a nurse at the University Hospital of Cleveland, recently received the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. Days later, she discovered that one of her lymph nodes was swelling.

“When I first got my vaccine, I had no side effects at all,” Lewis told News 5 Cleveland, saying she began experiencing a side effect days later. ‘I feel under my armpit to see if there’s anything, and I feel a lump. It was difficult, but still mobile, it moved around, “she said.

Dr. Holly Marshall, who works in the radiology and mammography department at university hospitals, said according to News 5 Cleveland that they receive a lot of calls from vaccinated women.

“We ask anyone who has had a mammographic examination whether they received the COVID vaccine and, if so, on which side and when the date was,” says Dr. Marshall, reports News 5 Cleveland.

The CDC has warned that swollen lymph nodes are one of the possible side effects of both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

“This means that you make antibodies to fight infections. If you later see a COVID-19 virus, you will be able to fight the infection,” said Dr. Marshall further explains via News 5 Cleveland.

Swollen lymph nodes apparently occur as a side effect two to four days after vaccination. Dr. However, Marshall says: “wait a few weeks and if there is no change, come in and we will evaluate it.”

As for Lewis, she is delighted to receive the second dose of Modner COVID-19 vaccine. She said via News 5 Cleveland: “Going into the healthcare field, I knew there would be times like these to adjust the pace for everyone else, so I did not have to get the second dose.”

