A sale of 5 pesos for 3 mils pesos

The buy of the sale on the Internet of tickets and coins hizo que una sola month of 5 pesos se oferte en casi 3 mil pesos. Want to know the story? If your answer is a positive one, let’s tell you all the details.

This piece is located in the center of the anterior of the National Escudo of Mexico, which is characterized by having an eagle that has a serpent over a nopal. Además appears the legend “United States of Mexico” in the form of a semicircle in the superior part and the lower guarnaldas.

While the reverse can be seen the number “5” in the center, the year of recognition and the symbols “N $” and “M °”, the numbers representing the New Pesos and the House of the Moon of Mexico, respectively . Assimilation in the perimeter through a stylization of the Anillo de las Serpientes de la Piedra del Sol.

Here is the reverse of the 5 pesos that are sold in these cases 3 mil pesos | Source: Mercado Libre

At the price

This month of 5 pesos is from 1995 and belongs to the Family B of the “New Pesos” of the Bank of Mexico (Banxico). It is not made, but it follows circulating with original value.

Although some women approve of having them in their power to sell them at a much higher price. How is the seller that the offer in an e-commerce site at 2 mil 900 pesos.

La cara de la pieza de 5 pesos | Source: Mercado Libre (Captura de pantalla)

“Only for connoisseurs who like to collect new coins, recalls the merchant.

The seller assures that he is looking for pieces of this month, each series of reasons for his assessment and at the end, his elevated cost.

For example, if you want to know more details about the world of tickets and coins, how to sell them, at what costs are offered or have tips to save if they are false, do not hesitate to consult Oink-Oink.
