A Roadmap for Personal School Appears – Dr Sanjay Gupta

Decisions taken in a hurry in March 2020 had to be reconsidered when classes resumed after the summer holidays. Public and private schools across the country have had to reconsider how to proceed, and sometimes change their minds at the last minute, as the number of community distributions varies and / or politics – both at the school district and government level – has shifted. .

And as the situation worsened, many experts expressed growing concern about the fact that schools remain closed. Joseph G. Allen, an associate professor at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health and the director of the school’s Healthy Buildings program, said in January that the closure of schools was “nothing more than a national emergency.” Jennifer Nuzzo, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Safety who has been working on pandemic preparedness for about twenty years, calls schools a ‘critical infrastructure’ and says it is important that ‘we open it up as soon as possible’, noting it is important to find a balance between the known benefits and the potential harm.

Tough, unpopular decisions

Last August – the traditional school time – my wife and I decided not to send our girls back to school. At the time, I visited their school to talk to the principal about all the safety measures the school has put in place with its major resources: a mask mandate, hand hygiene stations, physical distance plans, regular disinfection of surfaces, outdoor classes if possible, and others.

But despite the time, effort, and care they put into resuming personal lessons, we decided to wait and see. A few notable outbreaks at schools and summer camps early in the pandemic, and the community level that was prevalent in our area at the time, concluded the agreement for us.

Also remember that schools closed in mid-March, when there were fewer than 3,300 cases of Covid-19 in the U.S. and just over 60 deaths. As schools began to reopen for the fall, the numbers were much worse and there was a serious concern that the opening of schools would further aggravate the situation. For me, there was just too much uncertainty. And while it became increasingly clear that young people were less likely to become seriously ill themselves, I was concerned that one of my daughters would still accidentally spread the virus to their teachers or their parents at home.

Millions of Americans can now get Covid-19 vaccines, including teachers in all 50 countries

I have to tell you, it was not a popular decision with the under-18 series. My kids love school. Distance learning is for them a pale imitation of the real, personal transaction – and it is almost as important to be with their friends. But because my household is a benevolent dictatorship and not a democracy, distance learning via virtual school has become the law of the land.

When we got another opportunity to send them back to campus in October, my wife and I changed course. Despite an increase in community outreach, we saw at the time how well things were going with the girls’ school, and decided to put it back in place. The mitigating strategies were not only symbolic but also taken very seriously in school. In addition to masks and physical distance, the school took the extra step of testing Covid weekly. Although many schools have unfortunately never had this option, the insights of the test program gave me further comfort.

Liz Ball, the co-vice president for strategic communications at our school, confirmed the school’s success. In an email, she told me that the average weekly positivity rate since the beginning of the school year through Feb. 7 was less than 0.5% – a figure much lower than the average weekly positivity rate in Fulton County, Georgia, during the same period (which was at its lowest 3.3%), according to PCR test data from the Georgia Department of Public Health. Ball estimated that more than 45,000 tests were done weekly between October and February on approximately 2,400 community members.

I realize that my daughters’ school has more resources than many public (and private) schools do to minimize Covid-19’s disease, including the extra space to physically distance themselves, the hot weather in the South around them classes outside, and especially the ability to test extensively.

Roadmap to successful reopening

But the testing is really the proof – and not the reason – that these mitigation efforts work.

“The consistent application of our COVID-19 safety protocols, including quarantine, has been successful in preventing the virus from entering the campus and transmitting it on campus,” Ball wrote.

Security protocols are very similar to those recently set out by the CDC as guidelines: masking; physical distance; wash hands; cleaning facilities and improving ventilation; as well as contact detection, isolation and quarantine.

“With the announcement of this operational strategy, CDC does not instruct schools to reopen. These recommendations only provide a long roadmap to schools on how to do it safely under different levels of disease in the community,” said Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, said. when she announced the guidelines in February.

And it seems that the few studies that look at the transmission in the school show this and show that the disease rate in schools is lower than in the community. A study among 17 schools in Wisconsin found that the rate of Covid-19 in school was 37% lower than in the surrounding community. Another study looking at schools in New York found only a positive percentage of 0.4% from October to December, despite increasing cases in the community. And a study of 11 North Carolina school districts found that only 32 cases of nearly 100,000 students and staff were transferred to the school – none of the cases where a child infected an adult.

According to data from the American Red Cross, Covid-19 antibodies are present at about 1 in every 5 blood donations of non-vaccinated.

A new report analyzing 130 studies on school reopening found that schools can reopen safely if they follow mitigation strategies, including wearing masks and social distance. The report – Is it safe to reopen schools? An extensive review of the research, written by education and policy expert John Bailey – even found that when it comes to physical distance, 3 and not 6 feet may be enough.

Bailey notes that school districts in Indiana, Virginia and Massachusetts have all rather adopted a 3-foot standard.

And according to a federal official, the CDC is reviewing new data – including a study published last week showing ‘no significant difference’ in the Covid-19 rates at Massachusetts public schools that set 3-foot rules for social distance did not remove. who maintained 6-feet – to see if rules for physical distance in schools need to be changed. This would be in line with the guidelines of the World Health Organization, which proposes a minimum distance of 1 meter in schools.

The slow return of personal learning

Some of the country’s largest public school systems – including Los Angeles, New York City and Atlanta – are getting ready to start learning in person again or have already done so. And the money promised by the Biden government K-12 will enable the school districts to start implementing the CDC’s mitigation measures. That money can be used, for example, to buy and install PBTs in some cases, such as plastic dividers, hand hygiene, classroom air purifiers and masks for students and teachers, as well as to pay for the costs associated with all the extra cleaning and disinfection.

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To make all school districts work on the same page, Education Minister Miguel Cardona of Biden told CNN’s Back to School: Kids, Covid and the Fight to Reopen during the CNN special “That to ‘ a national summit on the reopening of the school was scheduled for “before the end of March.”

“We are going to have experts and we will, as you mentioned, have districts that succeed in doing this, talking to other districts and sharing their best practices, but also sharing the challenges they have had so that we can learning from those districts, “Cardona explained. He also noted that his department is setting up a clean-up center with best practices around reopening, including social and emotional support to students and educators who ‘have experienced a lot of trauma in the past year’.

The reliance on science, government funding, and the ability of teachers to be vaccinated should please do Becky Pringle, president of the National Education Association, the largest union for teachers in the United States. During the same CNN special, she said that teachers “want nothing more than to be personal with their students. This is how they are trained to teach and work with them, and they miss them. They want to be personal again. be.”

Pringle said teachers want to do it safely. “What we say a year now, now it’s a year, we asked the resources to do it,” she said. “And the smile you see on my face now, Jake, is the light at the end of this very dark tunnel.”

My wife and I talked about this article last night, and it has expanded into a conversation with all three of our girls over the last few months of school. It is interesting that my youngest daughter (now 11 years old) never really relaxed in virtual learning life, while my oldest (now 15) sometimes preferred it. My middle daughter, always the pleasant one, told me she could go either way.

I was worried that a childhood would be interrupted over the past year – that was one of my biggest concerns – but overall, the girls seem to be thriving and perhaps even resisting the challenges they have faced. They are also very aware of how lucky they have been to have options at different times over the past year that are simply not offered to too many other students across the country.

It will be a long time before we know the full impact of this pandemic on their lives and their mental health, but if history is any indication, it was the young people who were most adaptable to previous outbreaks and pandemics, as well as those who were seriously affected. accepting a new state of normalcy when it was finally safe.

Andrea Kane of CNN Health contributed to this report.
