A Ripple Effect of Loss: US Covidian Deaths Approximately 500,000

“I can still see him there,” he said. Jones, the pastor. “It never goes away.”

There’s a street corner in Plano, Texas, occupied by Bob Manus, a veteran transition guard who trained children for 16 years after school until he fell ill in December.

In the Twin Cities of Minnesota, LiHong Burdick (72), another victim of the coronavirus, is missing from the groups she cherished: one for playing bridge, another for Mahjong and another for polishing her English.

At her empty townhouse, the holiday decorations are still up. Cards were lined up on the mantle.

“You walk in and it smells like her,” says her son, Keith Bartram. ‘It’s definitely very surreal to see the chair she would be sitting in, the random things in the house. I went there yesterday and had a bit of a crash. It’s hard to be in there, when it looks like she should be there, but she’s not. ”

The virus has reached all corners of America, as well as dense cities and rural provinces. By this time, about one in 670 Americans had died from it.

In New York City, more than 28,000 people died from the virus – or one in 295 people. In Los Angeles County, which lost nearly 20,000 people to Covid-19, about one in every 500 people died from the virus. In Lamb County, Texas, where 13,000 people live on a sprawling 1,000-square-mile stretch, one in 163 people died from the virus.

Across America, the holes remained in communities, which were stung by a sudden death.

In Anaheim, California, Monica Alvarez looks at the kitchen in the house she shared with her parents and thinks of her father, Jose Roberto Alvarez.
