A regional African tribunal that contrasts with the extradition of the EE UU de Alex Saab, presunto testaferro de Nicolás Maduro | International

The Tribunal de Justicia de la Comunidad de Comonomidad de Estados de Africa Occidental (CEDEAO) ha fallado este lunes contra la Colombadiano Álex Saab, presunto testaferro del president Venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, desde Cabo Verde a Estados Unidos. In a celebratory vista in its seat of Abuya, capital of Nigeria, the Tribunal of the ECOWAS, block to which Cape Verde belongs, is in favor of the immediate freedom of Saab, although it is to be seen by the caboverdian authorities of the act decision.

The Colombian emperor detained the plane on June 12 when the plane took off and flew to the International Airport Amilcar Cabral from the island of Caboverdiana in Sal, through a stadium petition issued by Interpol. The African Court of Justice in Cape Verde, an island island of Western Africa, pays one of the 200,000 euros.

The Embassy of Venezuela in Senegal, framed to cover Cape Verde, also confirmed in its account of the social network Twitter that the Tribunal of the CEDEAO “ordered the immediate release of the ambassador Alex Saab”. The court “declared that the capture and detention of Ambassador Saab was illegal, arbitrating and recognizing the violation of his human rights. The decision involves the suspension of the extradition “, indicates the Venezuelan Legislature in Dakar.

The CEDEAO Tribunal has delivered its final verdict in 2020 in favor of the domicile arrest of the testaferro, which is soliciting allegations of prisoner health problems and that the cabaret authorities are accompanying those who are recruiting.

It is estimated that the Justice of the Republic “acted in its jurisdiction” when it was heard on 12 June in response to a joint statement issued by the United States.

The Gobierno caboverdiano and a court of law approved Saab’s entry, named by Venezuela as a “special envoy” and “permanent deputy deputy” before the African Union, as well as appealing to the Cape Verde Supreme Court. On the 5th, the Governor of Venezuela declared in Cape Verde the “immediate release” of the Colombian emperor, which was held illegally considering that the authorities of this country violated its diplomatic immunity.

“My illegal detention has a purely political and pathetic motivation that the Governor of Cape Verde has doubled down on the rod EE UU”, verklaar told the EFE agency about the Saab proposition, 49 years old, in an interview with his comrades. Despite the detention of Saab, Caracas signaled that he was a Venezuelan citizen and an “agent” of Gobierno who was stationed “in transit” in Cape Verde, because his lawyers said he had the right to personal inviolability as a special envoy of Venezuela ”.

The number of Saab appearances in the press when Venezuelan ex-tax collector Luisa Ortega made the accusation in 2017 of being one of Maduro’s testimonials. The company, based in Barranquilla (Colombia) and the original Lebanese, is related to various companies, between them Group Grand Limited (GGL), accused of summoning to supremacy of the Maduro alimentos regime and living for the gubernamental Local Committee of KLAP ).

An official of the Gobierno stadium indicated in July 2019 that with the CLAP, he would be among the most powerful, the Colombian emperor and Maduro’s three hysterics were lucrating, on the other hand, with “millions of dollars”. Washington has also filed charges against Saab and its deputy, Alvaro Enrique Pulido, who have been accused of laundering up to $ 350 million in additional fraud against the Venezuelan exchange control system.
