A princess of Dubai denounces that she is ‘rehén’ of the emir

London, England.

La princess Latifa Al Maktoum, una de las hijas del emir of Dubai, has been announced in a series of videos released this March by the British chain BBC which is permanently retained as “rehén” in a villa tras haber intentionado huir del país en 2018 is the theme of his life.

“I’m tired of it video from a bathroom, because it is the only accommodation with a door that can be block. (…) Soy una rehén and this villa has been converted into a card. All windows are open close with rejas, can not open anything “, relates Al Maktoum, 35 years old, in one of the videos.

“All these days are bltaken care of by my safety y for my life. Geen sé si voy a sobrevivir in this situation “, said the princess, which ensures that five police officers are vigilant mansion from the outside, while others take care of the interior.

La hija de Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, emir de Dubyes, here as vice president and prime minister of United Arab Emirates, grab his messages “during various months” in secret, through the communications “se han detenido“, alert the BBC.

Someone’s friends “urgen a las United Nations a que tomen medidas “, subraya la cadena.


Latifa treated by evadirse de Dubái for the first time when he was 16 years old, but he started planning his most serious intention of huida af 2011, has maintained contact with French empress Herve Jaubert, following the British public channel.

On February 24, 2018, the princess is subject to a liena hinchable junto a Tiina Jauhiainen, who lives next to his instructor dand martial arts, y navegaron hasta aguas international, donde les esperaba un yate with the stadium stadium.

Ocho días después, frente a las costas de la In the, el barco fue asaltado por “comandos” who use human grenades, find out both women and devolvieron a Dubai to Latifa, of which no one wanted to know anything about it, according to the BBC’s report.


In 2019 there will be load tensionsa family of the emir llegaron hasta los British tribunals, when the Princess Haya Bint Al Husein de Jordaania, sixth leg of the millionaire mandatario, viajó al United Kingdom and pidió protection for her and two of sus hijos.

In this case, the Supreme Court of England considered, among other cases, that el jeque “order and orchestrao the obligatory return of his hij‘n Latifa a la casa known in Dubai “ on two occasions, June 2002 and February 2018.

Vea: Sheikha Latifa, the mysterious disappearance of the Princess of Dubai

“In 2002 the return was produced by the Dubai front with Oman, mientras que in 2018 se hizo con un un commando armado en el mar circa de la costa de la In the “, described the sentence.

It was also released in August 2000. emir organized the “sequel” of his hija Shamsa para llevarla desde el United Kingdom and Dubai.

Following the British media, the mandate, of 71 years, has been casado con seis mujereshe has tenido to menos 30 votes. EFE
