A police force to arrest women who rob robes in a market and pay the price of Christmas | News Univision United States

When the police officer Matt Lima responds to a robo llamado at a Stop & Shop auction last December 20 in Somerset, Massachusetts, found with the accusations eran of the women with the little nieces which habían intended to deliver some food without paying together with the rest of the purchase.

A security guard has said that he has not taken care of all the goods that are left, so that they can recover and the repair with the nines has to clear the police.

When the official reads, the women will argue that they are passing by a bad moment and that only pretending to serve a price of Christmas to them.

According to Lima, the evocative situation in the image of its own properties, and therefore, in order to present cargoes in return, the police only sent an advertising form to not return to this local, soliciting the establishment.

I ended up spending $ 250 on my bolsillo property to buy supermarket shelf cards to buy in another store and help you get one for the Christmas price.

“Obviously, this family is necessary and can not imagine to take the decision between you and Stop & Shop and it happens only when you can pay, or do you go and treat yourself to something for the price of Christmas for the children? “, declares Lima.

“I am very happy, I am a little surprised. I am sure that a lot of people in this same situation think that they have a different result, and there are serious arrests or tendrils that are in court” a su gesto.

“Purchase the shelf card by a value valued when it is habrían lifted”, explained the policy. “Simply hice that it feels like it’s right. I was not treated, just intending to put it in her family’s place and show a little empathy”.

In the department’s webpage, he will show off his determination: “Demonstrating actions that mean protecting and serving the members of our community,” Somerset police chief George McNeil wrote in a statement.

“This incident is a veritable testament to the great character and the power of Lima’s official decisions,” added McNeil.

