A more secure future is only one month. Pero los estadounidenses no deberían renunciar todavía a las medidas de seguridad de covid-19, dice el exdirector de los CDC

(CNN) – A more secure future is only one month, but it is essential that the stadiums sigan practicing the security precautions of covid-19 and priests pay attention to the health care workers’ jobs while working for more people, there is an expert ‘n CNN, el lunes.

«Aún no hemos terminado, el covid sigue entre nosotros. The variants follow a risk », says the Dr. Tom Frieden, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “No one declares victory in the third quarter”.

Stadounidenses deben seguir using mascarillas and avoiding the abarrotados interior spaces, «where the virus can propagate rapidly», says Frieden, while the officials rastrean the variants that circulate in EE.UU. y, between them, the highly contagious B.1.1.7 variant, which was detected first in the United Kingdom.

Experts say that the variant is now being extended rapidly by EE.UU. and, following the CDC, it is likely to convert to the predominant variant of this month. The epidemiologist Michael Osterholm advised on the principles of this week that the varietal variant would help to stimulate another oleaginous pelvis in only weekly varieties.

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El Dr. Chris Murray, director of the Institute of Metrics and Health Evaluation (IHME) of the University of Washington, says that the projections of his master team are “the best things are slow, but constantly”.

“But in the peer scenarios, where the people should use mascarillas more quickly, start holding more meetings quickly, then they can have an increase in April”, dijo.

In other words, the proximity weeks are critical, and the form in which the communities act may increase or decrease the numbers of covid-19.

Another State Leader Announces Flexibility of Restrictions

Under the auspices of the experts on persecution that persists, a series of state plans will unveil weekly plans to ease covid-19 restrictions.

Most recently, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon has announced that he will require the use of mascarillas throughout the state and will allow bars, restaurants, theaters and gyms to resume normal operations starting March 16.

“We will meet all Wyoming citizens who continue to take personal responsibility for their actions and who diligently take care to ensure that we have the most quality and secure renewal of our traditional activities and to make good use of them.”

Spanish standard standards for using transparent mascarillas 3:45

There is a protocol for facial coverage for schoolgirls, aggregate.

Other state leaders, including the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, and the governor of Mississippi, Tate Reeves, also announced the principles of this month that eliminate mascara mandates.

MIRA: Mexican restaurant in Texas is designed by citizens to demand mascara

The salute officers, including the Dr. Anthony Fauci and the director of the CDC, the Dra. Rochelle Walensky, instead of continuing to use tapabocas and maintenance on salvage of covid-19 including when he eliminated the restrictions.

“Listen to the recommendations of the CDC with respect to the methods of mitigation, the use of mascarillas, the physical distance”, says Fauci to the National League of Citizens on Monday. “Listen to his questions and recommendations”.

The guide to complete vacancies does not include enough, some experts say

Many of the state leaflets that announce the relationship between mediators will add to the declining trends of covid-19 in its state and increase the vacancy rates. However, if the number of stadiums that are vacated by each day is probable, then the country will be one of the months of collective bargaining, the point at which sufficient people are protected against an illness and can not propagate.

Hasta now, more than 60 million stadium members have received at least one dose of the vaccine against covid-19, according to data from the CDC. More than 31.4 million people are now fully evacuated, following the dates shown. This is approximately 9.5% of the EE.UU population.

The CDC updates the guide for the vacant. Mira aquí las nuevas pautas 6:17

The CDC acaban to publish new cases for fully evacuated persons, claiming that they can visit other persons who have been evacuated, as well as a few groups of persons evacuated in some cases, but only if necessary.

The guide says that the fully evacuated persons can visit other persons evacuated in recent days without any physical distance; you can meet in close encounters with people without vacancies of a single hogar, without mascarillas or physical distance, if the people without vacancies have a great risk of serious illness, and you can avoid the quarantine and the proofs, if you have been exposed to anything but 19 is asymptomatic, but I need to monitor the symptoms during the weeks.

The CDC also reports that travel recommendations have not been exchanged: they say that people should stop traveling and stay at home. The guide will continue to update, Walensky said on Monday.

But some experts say that the guide did not read it carefully enough.

“It’s one of those examples in which the CDC is believed to have been so cautious in a way that challenged the common sense,” CNN’s Emergence Doctor, Dra. Leana Wen. “It simply came to our notice then that we could not travel, especially now that we could reunite with our loved ones, because many people were anxious to be seen by those who did not need to live.”

“Yes, in reality, I’re going all the way and say that the people who are totally evacuated need to be able to travel, need to be encouraged to travel,” he added.

Virginia Langmaid, Jacqueline Howard, Jen Christensen and Will Brown, of CNN, contribute important information.
