A Militioner is Tall Cops Bastards

Illustration for the article titled In iMilitsioner / i, Tall Cops Are Bastards

Image: TallBoys

Russian studio TallBoys released a few more minutes of footage of Military, the upcoming simulator (trying to escape from a city transmitted by a giant policeman) (h / t Rock Paper shotgun).

Since July last year, the game has been updated with voice acting, as well as a system that allows you to talk to the giant police and your fellow residents. Other than that, it looks like the same scary, avant-garde project that the developers unveiled in 2020.

“In order for the policeman and the environment to understand the player correctly, we are working on a system that will process the player’s answers correctly based on the context,” he said. recent development blog explained, and made comparisons with cooperative ghost hunting game Fasmophobia. “It is important that it does not make stupid mistakes or create obstacles, because the answers will affect the mood and attitude of the Militant towards the player.”

TallBoys said it Military will also include a text-based alternative to the voice mechanics and perhaps even a ‘classical dialogue system’.

Since it was first shown a few months ago, Military both received attention from fans of strange video games and state-run Russian press, of which the latter described the game as ‘Russophobic’ due to the agreement with the police officer Uncle Styopa, a character from Russian literature and cartoons from the thirties.

“Our aim is not to create an evil image of the police, but to investigate the issue of responsibility and power,” Military the artist and designer Vladimir Semenets tells Polygon last September.

Military is currently being developed for computer. There is no release date.
