A military soldier announces that the Pentagon is protesting the sale of soldiers to the Capitol | International

General William Walker, in his speech at the Congress.
General William Walker, in his speech at the Congress.Greg Nash / AP

Donald Trump’s Defense Department delayed more than three hours in seeking approval to send it to the Washington National Guard to relocate to the Capitol from January 6. Asi lo ha denounced este mercoles, en una comparecencia en el Senado, el general William Walker, al frente de dicha unidad militêr. According to Walker, the “unusual” restrictions imposed by the Pentagon on the days before the impeachment are being prosecuted by the mayor.

At 13.49 I received a frantic parole from the Capitol police chief, Steven Sund, informing me that the Capitol’s security perimeter had been traversed by enemy officers. “Jefe Sund, with his vengeance of emotion, indicates that he has a serious emergence and solicits the immediate assistance of many soldiers to meet and reunite”, the general testified, in a joint session of the National Security and Regulation Committees, of the committees that led the congressional inquiry into the violent insurrection of Donald Trump’s extremist extremists, which outlined the certification process of High Vice President Victor Biden’s Victoria.

Walker recorded alerting “immediately” to the Pentagon’s dome. “We are the soldiers of the National Guard in buses prepared to visit the Capitol,” he said. But he made sure that the secretary of the Internal Defense, Christopher Miller, did not announce the pre-approval approval until 17.08, “three hours and 19 minutes later”. At 5:20 p.m., the District Guard of the District of Columbia donates the capital of the country, read to the Capitol.

The local commanders of the National Guard usually have the power to approve the same military actions in urgent cases, in order to save lives or avoid serious deaths in property. However, during the 6th anniversary period, according to General Walker, his authority was restricted, and he was required to have a higher level of authorization, in particular, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Internal Defense. The restrictions of the Pentagon were “unusual”, Walker said, indicating that the imposing restrictions were not forthcoming when the police responded to the protests by the racial justice system, following the deaths of George Floyd and the police The National Guard was criticized precisely in its protests by the racial justice system, and the mandates concluded that the answer was controversial and that it had fragmented orders, for which it would require a higher level of probation.

Having no time to hope for more than three hours, Walker insured, he could send many more than 150 members of the National Guard. “I believe that this number could have marked the difference”, he said.

Walker is not the first authority to express its frustration with the Department of Defense’s slow response. The same shall apply to the mandates of the local police and the Capitol, in their respective comparisons in the Congress. From the Department of Defense argues that, under the alert of the intelligence services regarding possible incidents of violence, the city will only provide a minimum attendance of the National Guard before the year of January 6, in order to limit the military presence in the capital, and that the Capitol’s policy does not solicit any assistance, ‘n pesar de que el Pentágono la ofreció.

