A mascara is fine, but will it be better to use two?

Medical staff with mascarillas (AP / archive)
Medical staff with mascarillas (AP / archive)

American football coaches are doing just that. The president electos lo hacen. Includes senators heard in the act. In accordance with the coronavirus cases followed by a global scale, some of the most prominent personalities he started using double mascarilla: a maneuver that has more response to the dates, say investigators.

Geen todo el mundo necesita dos mascarillas nie. Prohibition of probes, for the people who use protected protections or endings, “if they combine various abilities, begin to have a high efficiency” to block the spread of viruses and enter the respiratory tract, comment Linsey Marr, an expert on virus transmission from the Institute of Political Science and the State University of Virginia, is the author of a recent commentary describing the science behind the use of mascara.

It is clear, however, that there is a downside: in fact, “we will reduce the risk of respiratory failure”, commented Marr. Although there is plenty of room to breathe before the use of mascara gets to this extreme.

After a year of pandemic COVID-19, the world will be very different. More than 90 million confirmed coronavirus infections have been documented worldwide, millions have killed thousands and countless people with persistent symptoms, including economic difficulties and the scourge of schools and businesses. He surpassed the new variants of the virus, which had genetic changes that could increase his ability to spread from person to person.

However, at this time various vacancies have overcome regulatory obstacles, the results of the injections have been inconsistent and slow and there is no definite evidence that demonstrates that vacancies have a significant effect on the speed of transmission.

In addition to all these changes, investigators are working on the use of scams. “Stadiums do not tend to always use mascarillas,” said Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco Campus, and an author of the new commentary. Prohibition of probes, by now, deben permanenter puestas, ya que protegen al portador de la mascarilla ya la gente a su alrededor.

Mascarillas N95 (Reuters)
Mascarillas N95 (Reuters)

The arguments in favor of mascarilla abarcan various camps of science, between them epidemiology and physics. A series of observational studies has suggested that the generalized use of mascarillas can prevent infections and deaths on an impressive scale, in places with small numbers like squirrels and at the level of enteric lands.

A study, which monitors state policies that require covering the public grid, reveals that The known cases of COVID have been increased and decreased at the same time as the rules of use of the mascarillas in practice.. Another study, which shows coronavirus infections among Boston health professionals, has resulted in a drastic fall in the number of positive outcomes in the trials that have led to universal survival among staff. And a studio in Beijing found that the mascarillas have an effect of 79 by blocking the transmission of the infected person to their close contacts.

The recent work of investigators such as Marr is identifying the base of these includes a microscopic scale. According to Marr, science is quite intuitive: the respiratory viruses like the coronavirus, which moves between the gents in speeksel gels in aerosol, is necessary in clear conduct to enter the respiratory vesicles, the cells are cells of the cell type that are infected with viruses. The mascarillas that cover the narcissus and the boca limitan this invasion.

The point is not to make a hermetic mascara, opinion Marr. More well, the fibers that make up the component create a chaotic career of obesity where they need to navigate the air car and any infectious cargo.

“The air must follow this deadly truck,” Marr said. “The big things that can not live up to their vicissitudes”.

The experiments that have been proven to have the point that the cubrebocas can intercept the aerosol that enters and sale has demonstrated that including basic materials, such as teles and quirurgical mascarillas, can be held at least 50 per cent of efficiency in each.

Various studies have confirmed the idea that mascarillas appear to be better protecting the girdle around the mascara wearer than the wearer. “It’s gotta be that it’s just right in the fountain,” Marr commented. However, motivated by recent research, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have noted that there are also great benefits for women to give up.

The best mascarillas followed by the N95, by being designed with an ultra-high filtration efficiency. Sondeverbod, sigu habiendo pocas para la profesionales de la salud, quienes las necesitan para tat a la patients de manura segura.

If you have less than a few mascara hairs on your skin, you can apply a similar protection.. Marr recommends using cubrebocas so that they can be roasted on quirurgical mascarillas.. An alternative is to use a hair mascara with a ball that can be lined with filter material, like the type that holds the balls for the aspirators.

The recommended combination is the inverse series of what Joe Biden used: first holgada, with better filter, and lie the season (Reuters)
The recommended combination is the inverse series of what Joe Biden used: first holgada, with better filter, and lie the season (Reuters)

No obstacle, use more mascarillas, give different types of mascarillas that are very good filtering the air out of it, will reduce the benefits and make it much more normal to breathe.

Other altercations can increase the size of the cubrebocas, as well as those that increase the number of cubes around it, in addition to the number of cubes around them that allow them to cool and burn. The nasal points, the skin can help that the superior part of the mascarilla, which is more severe, also offers a protective shield.

Log in that the mascarillas adjust and filter the air of the optimal way “is very simple”, Gandhi said. “No sophistication is required”.

No mascara is perfect, and you can use one of the other public health mediators as well as physical distance and good hygiene. “We must be honest in recognizing that the best response is one that requires multiple interventions,” said Jennifer Nuzzo, a public expert on Johns Hopkins University.

© The New York Times 2021
