A marvelous advancement to its time: how to log the Mayas to descend to a serpent in Chichén Itzá punctually any equinoccio

Así is the descent of the serpiente employed Kukulcán in Chichen Itza

Every year, in spring, Mexican sciences and tourists of various nationalities are cited in the archeological zone in the municipality of Tinum, in the state of Yucatan, donde rodean las las escalinatas del Castillo de Chichén Itzá to present the beginning of the primeval hemisphere north.

What the assistants observe is the light and gloomy phenomenon that symbolizes the descent of a serpent employee Kukulcán, el Dios maya que fertiliza la tierra.


The diffusion of the phenomenon of the Serpiente Emplumada has one of its antecedents in the last years, thanks to the article named “A hierophany in Chichén Itzá” by the French investigator Jacques Rivard, published in the review Katunoob in 1971, explained to Efe the Mexican archaeologist, Alfredo Barrera Rubio.

“But there has been no change in popularity since the anthropologist Luis Arochi announced the phenomenon (in 1974)”, added the researcher of the Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) on the far east state of Yucatan.

Barrera Rubio, winner of the Medalla Yuri Knorosov 2015 in Merida, explained that after the announcement, “Arochi made a series of books to share the The phenomenon of light and gloom is part of this empezó to flow gente to enjoy the bay of Kukulcán March 21, which coincides with the ephemeris of the Benemérito of the Americas, Benito Juárez, and with the equinox of primavera ”.

Respectively, the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) informs that the Equinoccio will take place in the country at the end of the 15:58 hours.
Respectively, the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) informs that the Equinoccio will take place in the country at the end of the 15:58 hours.

Sondeverbod, the writer and investigator signaled that visitors can observe the phenomenon of ancient days and after the first equinox, that 2019 is March 20th.

Respectfully, the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) informed that the Equinoccio of primavera llegó al país ayer alrededor de las 15:58 horas.

“It is a universal phenomenon that pervades all of Tierra, the only thing that changes is time in every country. If the llama is because when sucede the duration of the day and the night has a value igual, es decir, de aproximadamente doce horas ”, explained Daniel Flores Gutiérrez, academic at the UNAM Institute of Astronomy.

The astronomer confirms that thanks to the legacy of the ancient cultures, hoy I know that equinoccio is the instant in which the Sun crosses the celestial ecuador. In the case of primavera, the astro pasa of the hemisphere On the northern hemisphere, and in September, when it appears to present this phenomenon, the opposite succeeds.


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