A man who has been sentenced to life imprisonment in Spain has also been sentenced to life imprisonment in Sotomayor

Federal Judge Esther Salas expressed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, by its rules in English) discovered that the judge of the Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor instituted being vigilant for the accused man to feed him and kill him in such a manner which was directed against Salas.

ABC News News, Salas, in an interview with the television program 60 Minutes, commented on the FBI “found a sober manila with information about the son Sonia Sotomayor”.

Sondeverbod, the FBI, and the Supreme Court issued comments in respect.

Authorities say the accused Roy Den Hollander was arrested in July by a FedEx charter to feed Daniel Anderl for 20 years, said Salas. He also hired the father of the victim. Segun has transcended, the attack is directed to the jueza Salas.

Hollander of 72 years committed suicide through the enclosure.

During these events, Salas had a call to include more protection protection means. “Who knows what huibera passed?”, Expressed the case that will be heard in the Federal Tribunal in New Jersey regarding the vigilance that the assessee has regarding the Puerto Rican case in the Supreme Court.

The Salas Jueza was the first Hispanic district in the Federal Court of Neward, New Jersey. The full interview will be broadcast live on national television.

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