A man offers 72 million dollars to his aid if he can search the hard drive with bitcoins that are lost in a sale

The offer represents a quarter of the value of the amount that bot was given in 2013.

A resident of the British city of Newport has been directed to local authorities to permanently search a municipal bar for a mistake made in 2013 and to receive bitcoins that are currently worth 210 million pounds288 million dollars).

In 2013, James Howells, a 35-year-old IT engineer, limpieza in his home and only then was told that he had run the disco with 7,500 bitcoins in place of another vacío.

Luego que su previa solicitud fuera rechazada, Howells ahora ofrece the 25%, the 72 million dollars, the concession in case the owner recovers the lost.

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“Explain the opportunity to be felt by the people who make decisions and present an action plan”, Howells commented on South Wales Argus señalando who shared with the support of a cobtura fund prepared for proportional funding for the project.

The programmer explained that in 2013 a container container, to learn, received a serial number antes de fuera trasladado a una fosa y enterrado. También se le fijaba una Quadricular reference.

“I’m the one you can access the register of the seller, identify the week in which boté the hard disk, identify the serial number of the container and place the quadricular reference box “, said the informant.

Howells cree that he has so many transgressive years that he can recover the data. “La caja buiten podría ser oxidada“but it is possible that the disco in the interior where the dates will function”, exactly.

This possibility, without embarrassment, is reduce with time, according to Howells, who suggested that the funds that will be withdrawn from tenure, be transferred in the form of support to patients with covid-19 of their city.

However, the Newport City Council has stated that “the cost of the excavation, the excavation and treatment of the landfills will involve millions of books, with no guarantee of finding [el dispositivo] or what works “.

In addition, the institution says that extraction is not possible given the valid licenses and that the property activity could have a medium-term impact on the zone, motivated by the fact that the insurance could not be granted.

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