A light pink variant of covid-19 is extended by all EE.UU.

(CNN) – The covid-19 variant is highly contagiously identified by the first time in the United Kingdom and has been registered in all EE.UU. states, and the experts point out that the propagation of this and other variants can make the virus cases increase in the country.

“United States appears to have been affected by the pandemic”, said Dr. Michael Osterholm, Director of the Centro de Investigación y Política de Enfermedades Infecciosas de la Universidad de Minnesota. “The virus did not kill us.”

The United States has reported more than 15,000 cases of coronavirus variant B.1,1.7, which also appears to be more deadly. While the country is prone to evacuate to all residents, many experts help the public to make the precautions for a longer period of time.

Effective vacancies against variant

The good news, says Osterholm, is that existing vacancies are very effective against variants. Please note that it is possible that EE.UU. can only manage it quickly enough to avoid another accident.

“As we do, we do not have to evacuate to the parking lot in the course of the next six weeks with what we call tops,” Osterholm told Erin Burnett of CNN. “Simplify none of a sugar”.

And although EE.UU. It is vacant about five times faster than the global remedy – 40% of adults in the country have received at least one dose – the infiltration rates with limited access to the vacrian vacancies and a site for the variants to be sold de control, dijo Osterholm.

covid variant

(Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP via Getty Images)

Afortunadamente, EE.UU. has conditions that can help combat other diseases: an increase in evacuation rates, a significant percentage of the population and the infected and a climatic climate, says Dr. Paul Offit, Member of the FDA Vacancy Assessment Committee.

Restrictions alivian with vacancy

Casa Blanca gives the moon that has enough vacancies for all the stadiums in the finals of the next month, and some states he has started to make plans to return to normalcy.

Hawaii has the objective of rebuilding the routes between the islands on July 4, a method that accompanies pilot programs with companies that allow verification of the evacuation status of travelers, said Governor David Ige.

The cruisers also hope to regress soon. Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. has as an objective to renew the roads of the gates of EE.UU. in July, the company announced the lunes that will require all passengers and staff to be evacuated.

“With the mandates of vacancies and restricted protocols of health and safety implemented, we will ensure that we have an exceptionally secure and salutary vacation experience,” said President and Executive Director Frank Del Rio in a statement.

Students who are enrolled in Fort Lewis College, Colorado, will also be able to attend the school this morning in a communion.

In Washington, the capital of the country, Alcaldesa Muriel Bowser greeted residents who were evacuated as soon as possible. There will also be a lot of restrictions from May 1st, as well as allowing live entertainment events with public sent in interiors at 25% capacity. In addition, recreation centers, libraries, museums and galleries and minorities’ centers do not have to operate with a 50% capacity in interiors or exteriors.

“We know that we can hope for some reputes of these cases, but with the vacancies and the continuous security measures we hope will be more important in the first case,” said Alcaldesa, before recording the residents who “were evacuated soon como tengan la oportunidad ».

Bowser is one of the many local and state-of-the-art readers who have lifted the restrictions, while maintaining the precautionary measures being a critical part of the fight against the virus, said Dr. Ashish Jha, Dean of the School of Public Health at Brown University,’n Wolf Blitzer of CNN.

Responses vary by state

Although vacancy is advancing rapidly, covid-19 cases have been on the rise for four consecutive weeks, and are due in large part to the varieties, said Dra. Rochelle Walensky, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at EE.UU. (CDC, por sus siglas en Engels).

In Michigan, however, the case register of 563 cases has been updated in one day, the recent record of cases reported in the state is more than 11,000 this month, according to Johns Hopkins University data. See the most recent case report reported in the November final state.

To date, there are at least 81 new groups in the primary and secondary education schools, according to data published by the Department of Health and Human Services of Michigan on Monday.

Following the increase in the prevalence of variants, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont said he did not expect his state to experiment with other cases.

The state has administered thousands more vacancies against covid-19 and more than 800,000 people are fully equipped, said Lamont. Aggregate that, depending on the progress of the state, it is hoped that the graduation ceremonies in person for free and low tech will be possible, always the assistants will have a social distance and use mascara.

In Ohio, an increase in the positivity rate has led to an order that clamored for “basic regression, common sense” over covid-19 prevention, said Governor Mike DeWine.

The new “simplified” order, which should be listed for company to pay fines, includes the use of mascarillas in the Mayor of the closed places, avoid congregating in groups of more than 10 people and maintain social distance.

“Actually, it’s a career,” said DeWine. “These are the things that we need to do to make progress.”

Michael Nedelman, Deidre McPhillips, Nikki Carvajal, Kay Jones, Rebekah Riess, Jen Christensen, Dave Alsup, Joe Sutton and Alec Snyder de CNN contribute important information.
