A legion of sicarius in the service of “Senor”: here is the sophisticated choice that protects the “Mayo” Zambada

(Photo: special)
(Photo: special)

The new Netflix tutorial, World`s Most Wanted, has revealed details about the myth mexican drug addict Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, leader of the Cardinal of Sinaloa, one of the most powerful in the world and with an international presence.

El verdadero jefe de jefes del Cártel de Sinaloa tiene legions of sicarius that are careful, have strict protocols and can also decipher their number.

“The great lord”, “The lord who manda” or simply “Lord”, is like the ten that decrees its subordinates.

A search file of the DEA about the
A search file of the DEA about the “Mayo” Zambada, leader of the Cardinal of Sinaloa (Photo: DEA)

“All say in the Mayo el Senor, no say in his name is so beautiful it is obvious, it is something that you incriminate”, eapplies the periodical specialist in narcotics Jesus Esquivel.

The Great Lord, the Great Lord, he has organized, he has given instructions to us our forms, he will take care of us, we must not deceive the number of the person. Bestaan ​​protocols in all parties and tenemos that respetarlos ”, said a jefe of sicarios completely embossed to the periodical that he interviewed for the series.

The Mexican drug trafficker rodeo of a small number of personal executives, with circles, many circles antes to read to the jefe, by which delegate so much authority to the sicarius, affirms Esquivel.

Ismael's financial fund
The financial fund of Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada (Photo: Department of Treasury of the Office

Another man, also with the hidden car, identifies himself as Eladio. It’s a Mayo pistol and has no storage space, including a dull organ.

‘Soy The Eagle One, supplementing what is our order. I feel very pleased to belong to the Cardinal of Sinaloa ”, dice ante las camaras uno de sus sicarios.

El jefe de sicarios explica como es que el Mayo has been able to escape for decades from justice.

Photo of izquierda a derecha: Ismael
Photo of the winner: Ismael “eL Mayo” Zambada, “El Chapo” Guzmán, and Ovidio Guzmán (Photo: Especial)

“If we have an information system, we will have 150, 160 items here, if a vehicle passes. and there is one that is coordinated to check and decree at the point one passes this vehicle, tenemos people in the entrance, other people with the middle of the truck, others in the closet.

Also at the airport has people who are the bitacoras, salidas and llegadas of the vuelos. “By all means have information”, dobbeltsteen otro of the men of the card.

The question expressed above by the Maya periodicals secretary is the secret, which is the secret that has not yet been mentioned; the Zambada man will respond immediately:

Ismael Zambada García, “El Mayo” (Photo: Archivo)
Ismael Zambada García, “El Mayo” (Photo: Archivo)

“Being well with the community, so it’s paramount.”

For Jack Riley, DEA’s retired agent, the Mayo integrates into its security and housing plans for the people living in the Sinaloa Card Opera.

According to Robin Hood’s theory, Mayo is a hero. Build football pitches and all those things, churches … I also include in my security plan and my business plan, because I want the vigilantes, vigilantes, in terms of where things come from and the report as well. ”, explains the DEA agent.

In 1993,
In 1993, “La Reina del Pacífico” (Extreme Izquierda) joined the leader of the Cardinal de Sinaloa “El Mayo” Zambada (extreme right). Sandra was a key figure in the operation of the Carinal de Sinaloa (Photo: Associated Press)

The series has also been revealed since the persecution, by the authorities, at the head of the powerful Cardinal of Sinaloa.

Among the details that have been leaked, there is one in particular that calls it attention. There is no such thing as a solitary grab in the ass, the voice of the jefe of the temple card.

“El Mayo knows that it will not be long before the phone gets to its final”, Reveals the periodical specialized in narcotics Jesús Esquivel.

The surgeons and the few photos that exist of his son who allowed him to
The surgeons and the few photos that exist of his son who allowed “El Mayo” Zambada, permanently free

Conscious of this in return, the Mayo Zambada avoids using the phone and includes it is rare to have any of the meetings of his group. La gente a su cargo no puede meniona su nombre.

‘No hay nada against el Mayo. Geen hooi una grabación de su voz ”, sentence the mexican periodical.

Esquivel takes part in the series that at the highest level meetings of the Cardinal of Sinaloa, but does not say a single word, including the order of its subordinates, llamaba alguno sus sus collaborators hacia fuera del lugar donde se staba levande a cabo la reunion, y una vez afuera, dictaba lo que se tenía que hacer.

De izquierda a derecha.  The periodist Julio Scherer together with
De izquierda a derecha. El periodista Julio Scherer is an “El Mayo” Zambada (Photo: Proceso)

“In the meetings with most of the cartel leaders that say Mayo:` nada´. When I want an order called algaien, salía, y luego daba la orden ”, explains Esquivel.

Agreed to William Purpura, identified in the series as one of Chapo’s advocates, the Mayo is an extremely intelligent man which has been used for decades as an intermediary to Guzmán Loera.

The belts in the ones that are listened to Guzmán Loera discusses the cost and drug quantities with those that are trafficked, carried out; en cambio, Zambada has been extremely careful to respect them.

“El Mayo” Zambada has all the time Julio Scherer

“I have the power to compare Mayo with the Chapo. Mayo be an extremely intelligent man, now he must be 71 or 72 years old ”, dice the chapo’s abogado.

The agent withdrew from the DEA, Jack Riley, who for many years has been through the Mayo and the Chapo, says that the leader of the Sinaloa Card is a visionary of negotiations and very strategic in its way of thinking.

“There is no one with whom we have no faith, understand from joven the importance of pasar disapproved ”.

Riley claims that the DEA, CIA, FBI and the Secret Service of the United States are located in the area where the Cardinal of Sinaloa has Chicago pandillas, but in particular querían tener a proof that elo Mayo who directs the operations. No tuvieron suerte.

“El Mayo” Zambada built in 2018 70 years ago.

All agencies, DEA, CIA, FBI, the Police, the ATF, have the Secret Service querían listen to the Mayo hablando to verify that wine of el”, Narra the agent retired.

“El intermediario era el Chapo, porque era opgradeerbaar”, aseguró otro of the agents who steauo años tras su huella.

Guzmán Loera during the decades leading up to the Mayo ordinances. All those who are involved in the negotiations, inform or direct operations of the card: carry out their conduct.

The docuseria examin cinco of the most powerful delinquents of the world he permanently in libertad, and by which the authorities of the state querren tras the rejas for ever.


A criminal without a voice: why not have phone calls from “Mayo” Zambada
“El Mayo” Zambada: “World’s most wanted” revelation photos photosonconidas del narcotraficante
“World’s most sought after”: the question of Vicentillo Zambada’s traction that marks the Chapo Guzmán chain
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