A la Luna without Armstrong

In the spring of 1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin cast the Moon for the first time. There was a global interest meeting, followed by 650 million viewers. An audience recorded a song about the time of the hour for many (Madrugada in Europe) and a song about how the USSR, China and the majority of Soviet bloc countries did not accept it directly.

During the next three years, other American astronauts flew to Luna five times more. Pero the interest that levantaron those roads reduced with speed. Quiza by a sentiment of déjà vu, because it is the most urgent cause of the conflict in Vietnam, between them – monopolizing general attention.

Lee also

Christian Luna

A North American family reunited on television in 1958.

NASA has unveiled a total of ten lunar missions, including the Apollo 11. But, one time the objective signaled by Kennedy was launched, the ambitious plan would lose support. On the other hand, due to the displeasure of the Nixon administration in continuing an impulsive program by its political archivists, many will remain united for ever.

In the long run of the months that follow, an impending failure is obligatory to cancel the last three missions. View with mid-sail perspective, make a precipitated decision. Navy and launchers are built and paid, with the marginal cost of these hubies being relatively modest. Así, al terminar el programa Apollo sobraron tres cohetes Saturnus 5. Hoy languidecen convertedidos en piezas de museo.

Averías asumidas

No travel is free of more or less alarming losses. In despair, the Apollo 12 was launched by the two; the 14 was found with an altimetric radar mudo in full descent; the 15 atrium in the Pacific with one of its three collapsed parachutes, albeit varying its suspension cables; the 16 suffers a grave fall in the motor guidance system of the school principal that cases abort the allowance. Tan solo in the last, the 17, all had to ask for boca: the most inconvenient opmerklik was the rotation of a guard of the lunar coach.

It is not possible to increase the number of aberrations. The largest capsule is made up of five million pieces. Although manufactured with the most stringent standards of reliability, it is believed that there is a steady stream of failing teachers, if not hundreds, of them. It was a statistical question.

1971: Astronaut Alan B Shepard holds the pole of an American flag on the lunar surface during the Apollo 14 mission.  (Photo by Hulton Archive / Getty Images)

1971: Alan B Shepard collects an American flag during the Apollo 14 mission (Photo by Hulton Archive / Getty Images)


The secret of the radical success is to duplicate or triple the mayor’s part of forms that always hubies an alternative truck. And when this is not possible (for example, alignment and ascension engines), hacerlos tan simple that, literally, no pudiesen estropearse.

The fall is not an option

The most serious accident affected by Apollo 13. Todavía is in the record of many, well because of the vibe or the movie of the same title protagonized by Tom Hanks. In essence, the main hub suffers from the explosion of an oxygen tank that finds 300,000 kilometers from Tierra. This is the day without an electrician, without water and with surrogacy reserves of air.

To keep track of the return journey that will take you to Luna, astronauts will be able to use the launch hub as an improvised boat. Racionand its batteries, water and oxygen –dimensioned to sustain and only men during a couple of days –, the tripulation increases regression and salve.

Americaje del Apollo 13 en el Pacífico Sur el April 17, 1970.

Americaje del Apollo 13 en el Pacífico Sur el April 17, 1970.


Many consider that the odyssey of Apollo 13 represents the most glorious hour of the Lunar adventure. Hubo moments in those cases are due to perdition to the tripulation. Who always pulls the trigger on Houston’s team of inspectors, who are forced to improvise on extreme hours of energy and maneuvers only beforehand. The phrase “the case is not an option” (a license that Gicle Kranz’s directorial director has received) is very much a part of NASA’s actions during the fifty days following the accident.

Paseos y paseos

The first expeditions are very limited. Armstrong did not allow his vehicle to reach more than halfway through the subway to catch a sight at a nearby crater. The Apollo 12 astronauts carry a total of one kilometer, visiting, in addition, a robotic probe that has been drilled for three years.

Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell, of Apollo 14, drove three kilometers with the intention of launching the cima of a nearby crater. No faint facilitation. Aided by a small map map, showing a cart loaded with samples and instruments, it arrived and confounded on the ground, passed by its target. Geen llegaron to coronar the board of the crater; not only the distinction between the ten and the only two meters of distance.

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Rafael Clemente

This frustrating experience is not rehearsed. During the last three missions of the program, the astronauts disposed of an electric car. These are the best numbers in the descent module, which amplify its autonomy over three days – allowing it to extend explorations no more than a hundred meters, as well as tens of kilometers, as well as retrieving and acquiring many more geological patterns.

The Apollo 15 visited one of the most spectacular landscapes of the Luna: the Hadley border, on the edge of the mountain of the same number, which rises more than 4,000 subways across the Mare Imbrium. The two following flights will appear in other regions which will not be as grand, but each with one of its own beautiful buildings. Always visible in the car; poserse in the other lado of satellite estaba fuera del alcance of the technology of the era.

The personal price

It is clear that many explorers are suffering from serious personal conflicts in their recovery in Tierra. In some cases it is safe. Aldrin – the second male in Luna and with a rather colorful personality – where he surpasses episodes of alcoholism, depression and the collapse of his matrimonial age. Other astronauts and astronauts from NASA also have similar experiences, as well as the stress of stress and the obsessive-compulsive dedication that many people have during the special program.

James Irwin, of Apollo 15, passed through a spiritual crisis that he declared a “Christian renaissance”, creating a foundation for religious studies and organizing an expedition to Mount Ararat in search of the remains of the Ark of Noah. His partner Charlie Duke collaborated for a while with his pastoral labor. Edgar Mitchell, who accompanies Shepard in Luna, is dedicated to parapsychology and writes various books detailing his experiences.

The trip of Apollo 11 comes to a salon of the LRL quarantine installations

The trip of Apollo 11 came in a living room of the quarantine installations.


The majority of the Apollo astronauts, however, followed with their most common forms of life. We will continue to work at NASA, implied in new programs; otros monitor their passes to industry, by general aeronautics or space. Alan Bean professionalized his life-affirming posture: painting. His frames reflect his vision of the lunar landscapes. Shepard is dedicated to real estate deals: the only thing that can bring a millionaire fortune. Richard Gordon, among other activities, manages an American football team, the New Orleans Saints. And at least two others, Jack Swigert and Harrison Schmitt, are trying their best in politics.

Of the two men who pissed on Luna, only four sobreviven: Aldrin, Scott, Duke and Schmitt. All with 85 completes. Aldrin is nonagenario y, pese a ello, the most active, promoting incessantly new special programs. Undoubtedly, his car is the most recococable of the veterans group: see the model in which Pixar is based on the character of Buzz Lightyear, the co-protagonist’s astronaut of Toy story.

The anomaly that you have to increase

Many historians think that the Apollo program was an anomaly, a haze that was advanced in its time. His goal is not to make science, nor to promote technological advances. It is a political support, a question of national prestige.

In his famous speech on the establishment of the “final decade of the decade” plaza, Kennedy did not refer to the competition with the USSR. But it turned out that this was the engine of all the program. A few months ago, the publication of a conversation between the President and the Administrator of NASA, James Webb, took place in November 1962. In it, Kennedy made it very clear: “All the deputies should direct to Luna antes que los rusos. On the contrary, we should not host such a dinner, because in reality we are not interested in the space … ”.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy conoció aaaa

John Fitzgerald Kennedy initiated the special program.


The Apollo program responds to some questions about the origin and characteristics of our satellite, but much more plant. Only a portion of the four hundred kilos of rockets traded by the astronauts have been studied. The remainder is deposited in the hope that new analysis techniques will appear. In 2019, without further ado, NASA will release one of its models, obtained via the Apollo 17 route, in order to provide new solutions, as well as preparation for a possible return to the Luna inside the Artemis program.

In addition, the technologies developed in the brand of the Apollo program will have enormous repercussions in all cases within the framework of industry. From the impulse that receives the manufacture and use of microcircuits, precursors of the current microprocessors, there is the development of new materials or the modern systems of industrial organization and quality control. Aun sin que seamos conscientes de ello, buena parte la technoljolas que utilizamos en nuestro día a día (Global communication systems, telemedicina, alimentos de larga conservation …
