A Hispanic collector sells 6.6 million videos for 10 seconds of duration | Univision Technology News

Een vide van die 10 segundos de duración del artist californiano conocido como Beeple fue surprendentemente vendida la semana pasada por a Hispanic who lives in Miami for a total of 6.6 million dollars.

The piece that shows a Donald Trump killed on suspicion after the elections, requested by an anonymous accountant to Pablo Rodríguez-Fraile, a collector of art from Spanish and financial specialists, who originally acquired the piece in October 2020 for a value of $ 67,000.

There are two components that are relevant to Beeple’s Crossroads piece, the name of which is Mike Winkelmann, Rodríguez-Fraile’s account at Univison Noticias.

The first is that the work is a dynamic work, it is said that dependence on the result of the las elecciones del año pasado, iba a ser el final de la misma.

“When you buy it, you create a state. It’s another distinct piece, which is distinct from the fact that it has been seen since Trump was dumped on the floor, “assured Rodríguez-Fraile. ‘ It was something we knew about ‘programmable art’. Depending on the outcome (results) of the elections the piece is converted into one piece or another. If Trump wants to sell another image and if he does, Biden wants to be safe ”.

Rodríguez-Fraile assures that Beeple is not an improvised artist looking for followers in his speeches, “15 years ago he failed to do all the work and was considered the best artist in his field”.

The second component is that the work is certified by a new type of digital activity known as ‘Non-functional sign’, Token No Fungible (NFT), a process in which the piece is mathematically encrypted in its creator.

The NFT operates through a digital concoction mechanism such as Blockchain Technology, which allows publicly to classify an object as “unique in type”.

Conocido comprador

Asked to express his belief that the opening will cost the 6.6 million dollars, Rodríguez-Fraile replied that stay safe from your inversion.

“I think I’m obviously not sure if it’s millions, I’ve been around for a while, but it’s been linked to a person like Mike (Beeple). Here are the reasons why it was sold (the piece): a thoughtful thought that would be good for the sector y, dos, by the computer”.

Rodríguez-Fraile stated that she could not reveal who she had bought the piece, but assures that “he is a person of much more weight in the traditional world”.

Además, confisa, que la misma persona the most expensive offer by another team that has Beeple what for what I buy Crossroads.

The popularity among enthusiasts and investors, who are excited to host huge sums of digital money, has led to the fact that the art is included in the consumption goods that only exist online.

New sale

On the 18th of February, Christie’s dio announced that he was going to sell a Beeple piece by name on sale. “Everydays: The first 5000 days” row is composed of more than 5,000 images by the artist produced over 13 years ago every day.

The puja, announced the housing fund, initiated the 25th of this month and will conclude the next March 11th.

Christie’s has received up to 124 offers by the “Everydays: The first 5000 days”, at last, following its own web page, there are no less than 3 million dollars.

The miles of images that are observed in the work must be a critique of current events. From a condensed vision of politics to the idyllic miracle of the reality of pop culture. A Donald Trump observation, along with Michael Jackson cybernetic and a Kim Jong-un androgynous to the caves of a Buzz Lightyear that descans on the sole of an unknown planet observed by an astronaut par.

