A Ghanaian mom 150 million dollars to me submitting erotic photos in OnlyFans pero everything gets complicated when entering the Catholic school where iban his 3 hijos

Crystal Jackson is only a madre de tres hijos of 44 years that with OnlyFans and 150 million dollars per month.  photos: @poindexter_mrs
Crystal Jackson is only a madre de tres hijos of 44 years that with OnlyFans and 150 million dollars per month. photos: @poindexter_mrs

Crystal Jackson in a 44-year-old California woman who found only OneFans a place to overcome her economic and property problems. This mother-in-law is controversial over the assertion that the Catholic school has assisted its three members in making decisions against the work it does.

Part of its designation is centered on the content it submits to the platform, which is easy to access and exclusive, was discharged without his consent and filtered to the parish parish of Sagrado Corazón in Sacramento (California) in the end, he went to his house on 8, 10, and 12 years, causing his eventual expulsion from the institution.

‘Mis hijos son realee buenos y todo lo que esto hace es perjudicarlos. Download my photos, it’s good, but I’ve got my hair done for it“, The Crystal Dice to Revista People, which will tell the story.

The photos of Crystal fueron difundidas in the school of their homes by a group of mothers.  photos: @poindexter_mrs
The photos of Crystal fueron difundidas in the school of their homes by a group of mothers. photos: @poindexter_mrs

“I do not think I am being bullied here, but at some point, it seems that I will recover and say that I can not support him more because his behavior is horrible”, agrega.

The magazine was contacted by the school’s director, Theresa Sparks, but she was reluctant to provide information about the case.

Según Crystal, she posted her account on OnlyFans in September 2019, antes de que cayera la pandemia y la plataforma explotara con miles de creadores de contenido inskriiendose cada día. Mrs Poindexter is known as a pseudonym who uses other social media sites like Twitter, Instagram or Reddit.

Cabe recordar que OnlyFans has a subscription platform where users can sell and buy exclusive content that in many cases is sexually explicit.

Crystal denounces that Sufrio acoso for other mothers of the Catholic school of his wives, who prescribe to expel him to the minors.  photos: @poindexter_mrs
Crystal denounces that Sufrio acoso for other mothers of the Catholic school of his wives, who prescribe to expel him to the minors. photos: @poindexter_mrs

During the quarantine that imposed the first months of pandemic on the platform two a boom that the level to pass 120 miles of content creators for the 2019 finals, up to one million for the 2020 finals. The company estimates that between 6 miles and 7 miles of new creators and 200 miles of new users subscribe to each platform 24 hours.

Reading in 2019 means for Crystal to start hosting an audience with some algae, and it’s passed with the increase in traffic on the platform also hiccuping its entrants.

For this mother of 44 years, 14 of the mates living in matrimony, start submitting erotic content without making an easy decision. The decision was made with his spouse, and he was disappointed that his matrimony would pass due to a crisis that left him on the brink of divorce.

“I love my intimacy that we love, and part of it is because of menopause,” he explained. ‘We do not import what we have, we are not attracted to the sexy … so we try different things to give life to our matrimony ”.

This is a double-barreled dungeon that opens its OnlyFans account only in order to win money in order to reschedule its matrimony which is on the verge of divorce.  photos: @poindexter_mrs
This is a double-barreled dowry that opens its OnlyFans account only in order to win money in order to record his matrimony that is on the verge of divorce. photos: @poindexter_mrs

In principle its great skepticism is, she thinks that she has no interest in having a mother who makes sexy photos, but there is an idea that the “ridiculous” term ends with the following being drawn to its page.

Its content is curated, Crystal claims, and only the 20 or 30 for short are explicitly desnudos, a los que llama “de buen gusto”. Its embarrassment is full of “real” photos and the interludes with sex stories, as soon as the time comes to represent gangs for miles.

“The first was $ 14,000 and we thought, ‘What !?'”, recuerda Crystal, señalando que ella y Chris (su esposo) now I have 150,000 dollars per month for daily photos and publications, all of them are “pretty men” and do not include pornography.

Además de dinero, OnlyFans has converted into a vehicle to transmit the couple’s most cherished fantasies, encountering new ways of living his sexuality and increasing intimacy between them to the point that his matrimony is hidden.

Crystal identifies in speeches with the pseudonym Mrs Poindexter.  Photos: @poindexter_mrs
Crystal identifies in speeches with the pseudonym Mrs Poindexter. Photos: @poindexter_mrs

But in July, things started to get out of hand as problematic as one of the school’s fathers’s that assisted them in finding the OnlyFans page of Cryslas. He is the one who has the space and is willing to distribute the notice to all the school.

From this moment, a group of mothers of the school community is running an active campaign against Crystal and his wife, demanding the direction of the eviction of the minors by account of the work of his mother.

Agreed to what Crystal and People account, the ladies of the college send their photos to the school, accusandola of “repugnante” and “asquerosa”. The photos are taken in anonymous packages to the rector, the bishop and the church.

‘I do not publish my site. Tienes que buscarlo. “Tampoco is predeceased and has no incumbency,” Crystal said.

The idea of ​​a sexy and attractive mother is what attracts, according to Crystal, the fanatics of her account to pay for her content.  photos: @poindexter_mrs
The idea of ​​a sexy and attractive mother is what attracts, according to Crystal, the fanatics of her account to pay for her content. photos: @poindexter_mrs

This situation has been extended since the 21st of February when he received a reply to a letter that she and her husband had sent months later explaining that the content of her account in Onlyfans was not pornographic. Prohibition of probes, the communication is only a sent notification informing about the official eviction of its members.

The Jackson states that he is “molested” by the decision but does not know the details apart from the fact that his mother is “a great Internet model”.

Afirman adds that the school announced that it would change its manual to include a part on the subject “any father who is involved in a blog site that is against the teachings of the church and the philosophy of the school should be removed”.

Crystal dice his first objective is to log that his heirs regress to the Catholic school even though he confirms that there are other schools because it is clear that he does not have the quieren.

She is surprised by the accusation that she and her family sometimes go out of their way to have privacy with their partner and that the morale of a group of mothers is bound to affect the education of their husbands.

“In the year 2021, here we are, in the process of desanimar a woman by her choices and what she has with her husband”, Crystal Dice. ‘It is corporate corporeality and intimidation, all in one and it is a double race and harassing ”.

Crystal's content is attractive and erotic, but it is not listed as pornographic.  photos: @poindexter_mrs
Crystal’s content is attractive and erotic, but it is not listed as pornographic. photos: @poindexter_mrs

The story of this mother synthesizes the perfect way that OnlyFans is an attractive platform for many people per se for its lesser mines.

As the content of Crystal le haya hecho has up to 150 mil dollars a month, algo impensado hace poco más de un ano, contrast con la facilidad con que este fue replicado fuera de la platforma. And as it is well-known, the moral stigma and injustice that exists against the women who decide on free manner to show their eroticized bodies, can carry out such great consequences as the amount of money that goes into them.


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