A Ghanaian actress has been sentenced to 90 days in jail for stealing a photo along with her 7 years old

An African actress has been convicted of 90 counts of imprisonment after a conviction for finding a charge of obscene material and domestic violence violations, in a case that initiates when the woman publishes in her social speeches a photo taken next to her age of 7 years.

Rosemond Alade Brown, also known as Akuapem Poloo, is a known actress from Ghana, a country with strong views on the explicit content that the just authorities have in respect for national morality.

“Mom for the sake of it, mom, for the sake of it, mom for the sake of”, Fueron the speeches of the actress when the tribunal read his sentence, negating the petition of the attorneys who sought a pen in private liberty.

The General Court ruled that it was necessary to increase the prevalence of material publications with the potential to undermine public morality in the country and to affect the superior interests of the children, the right to privacy and dignity, as well as the moral image of the country , informaron medios locales.

For that matter, Christiana Cann’s the sentence to 90 days’ imprisonment.

The three cargos contemplan is the amount of time of release of the libertad, per the actress they will complete at the same time and no other time of year.

The actress was originally declared unaccounted for during the first trial in November of this year, due to change her statement of guilt on April 14 this year.

If you have to declare a criminal offense, the tribunal will apply its sentence and the police will take care of it so that it can carry out an embargo. This is a legally mandated mandate in Ghana, where it is established that when a woman is convicted of a crime punishable by capital, the General Court rules that if an attempt is made to embarrass her, she must have reasonable motives to create it. posmenopáusica.

As the negative saliva test, the condensa quedó firme.

The actress will spend 90 days in prison for a publication on social media.  Instagram @akuapem_poloo
The actress will spend 90 days in prison for a publication on social media. Instagram @akuapem_poloo

The photo that catalyzed the case was published on June 30 of last year, when Brown celebrated the seventh of his birthday.

The message that accompanies the image: “I’ve been in front of you for as long as I’ve been in a daze, as in the case of me I’m tirada in some barn, not long enough, but I’m like your mom who’s working on the road.

The tax authorities say that the behavior of the impoverished menoscaba the dignity of his wife, between others.

Bruin, dijo la fiscalía, was arrested and in his precautionary statement, the administrator published the photo he had taken with him.

The tax, without embarrassment, states that Brown deliberately published the images. Someone similarly thought of the court in his considerations, but indicated that the actress had been premeditated and that he was so afraid of the integrity of the minor.

The court case of the case is a dissociative example of the futures of public morality.  Instagram @akuapem_poloo
The court case of the case is a dissociative example of the futures of public morality. Instagram @akuapem_poloo

Poco imports the arguments of the lawyer, who referred to Brown as a madder mother and the only supporter of the little one. También also warned that the sentence could be met with the acting actress’ career and that she had taken the material from her speeches, had released a public disclaimer, and had taken care of the cargoes, the shoes were in addition to her first offense.

“In the tribunal the molesta that publishes photos of desnudos in the social speeches. Geen hooi duda de que, apart from the cancer of the violin, the profanation, the physical aggression, the publication of obscene materials will increase. Exists, therefore, the need to defend our social values ​​and to suffer with this cancer. The superior interest of the child will be the main concern of the court ”, dijo la jueza Christiana Cann cuando tomó su decisión.

“A sentence will serve as dissociative”, sentence.


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