A former resident vacantada against the covid es atropellada mientras se tomaba una foto para celebrarlo | Show Primer Impacto

Edna Batista Cruz is planning to vacate the covid-19. At the age of 94, it was located among the priority groups and received the immunization passed on the 15th of February in the municipality of Aparecida Concession, in the state of Minas Gerais, in the southernmost part of Brazil, indicating the local press.

The woman fled to the unaccompanied vacancy of her family and, regress, quisieron celebrates together the allegory that the old woman and her husband were vacated against the coronavirus, by which means in the middle of the carriage to take a photo in a giro camp .

Pero al bajarse, la hija de Edna estacionó el auto en una empinada de la carretera y unqueque echo el freno de mano, al parecer este no entré bien y el auto se fue hacia abajo justo cuando pasaba la anciana, que por la escasa movilidad product of his edad, no consiguio esquivarlo.

Although an ambulance was taken to the hospital and transferred quickly to the former hospital, Edna Batista murmured on the truck. His relatives said he was taken into shock by the tragic accident.

