A documentary related to the “cotidianidad” of the sicarios in Mexico

The Mexican song “Los Plebes” relates to the contribution of a group of sicarians from a very distinct vision to what is accessible. “With ‘Los Plebes’ we want to counter that day,” said Eduardo Giralt, one of the directors.

“I do not believe that the money can change anything, so I have my narcissistic narcissist, (…) because the money can make a lot of money and if the money has in its majority has so much money”, detailed in an interview with Efe Giralt, who created the movie together with Emmanuel Massu.

The documentary “Los Plebes” is one of the once Mexican productions that will be at the Decimoprima edition festival of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (UNAM) opting for the Puma de Plata, in addition to being trained in this certification, online for the pandemic .

“If I want to quiz, I want to look for another festival that Tuviese has a little more red alphabet. (…) Any type of ‘glamorization’ of the film, about all the topics that I have been hypocritical about”, added.

The story of the story, of search, of a group of sicarian young women who wandered by Sinaloa (north of Mexico) while being taken to the crime scene, in the future were shared with the Mayor of the chic of his edad: divertiste, buscar novia o jugar a videojuegos.

“This is a movie about adolescents being born in the equivocal place, at the moment equivocado and in the equivocal social circuits”, can be learned on the festival website.


For the director, who previously wrote “Los débiles” (2017), he is interested in this type of theme, and for Massu, the other director, he did not want to wait until he had time to make this type of film, which he would like to read stories and quinen les viven mientras huye de la spectacularizacion del narcotrafiska y la violencia.

Giralt wonders how it is possible to have the moment when there are so many movies in Mexico that related stories related to the narcotics from various points of view and related to the stereotype.

In this sense, according to Froylán Enciso, a Sinhalese historian specializing in the political economy of drugs and Mexican politics, he said “Eduardo, you were filming the tigers”.

With this, it refers to the habit of filming both “the heart and the heart”, it is said, “the chemists and the ones who make the money”.

“Nadie habla de eso porque es lo más peligroso. A lo que voy es eso: n digo que tracer de hacerlo documental porque debe ser muy mortal tratar de contarlo así, pero ¿por qué en todo el fiction cine nadie se enfocado en eso? Ah, because the other is the more violent, the more amarillista “, considered.


The Venezuelan director, whose young student studies and lies is involved in a more intimate and “very social” movement, went to Mexico with “Los Plebes” the surgeon opportunities to work as a “fixer” (producer who participates in the production of reports on the work of the search for sources, translation or as a guide).

Fue entonces cuand se dio cuente de lo mucho que disfrutaba en zonas extremes.

“I do not want to be more in the marquee tower escondidito, while coffee in a Starbucks while writing a guy. I’m sure it’s what you’re trying to do in life”, he thought.

Of these, as in “Los Plebes”, we see the things in the first person. “Sin nad nadie me las cuente”, added.

Without embarrassment, the work and direction of directors’ directors implies a risk, which, he explains, “one enters into contact with the criminal organization that will always be on its radar”.

And it seems that the filming was quite “fluid”, the riesgos not ending when the cameras are up.

“I’m lo that I’m tired of it, that’s something more than I’d given. If I’d give it to myself, I’d give it to my dads, but … But what’s the most important thing, it’s something I give him all the time. “, añadió.

For this, tataron tomar todas las precauciones y, lejos de querer caer en la autocensura, buscaron ser respetuosos y no ver por qué alguien se pudiese offender con “Los Plebes”.

“Yo digo que a estos chavos (jóvenes) se les ha retratado de una manner manique mano pero tampoco digo ‘ay, ellos son unos santos’. (…) Dicho esto, yo no pondría las manos en el fuego porque uno que was in the pelix not being molested to see any wine (something) “, terminated.
