A dineral! The fortune that paid a Manchester City player to a guard guard on his mansion – Diez

The lateral part of Manchester City, Kyle Walker, has converted into the ultimate football player in England by buying a guard guard specialized in the advertising of the Premier League to the players in the north-east run a “mayor riesgo” of being attacked by criminals.

I’m going to have to rob the manor armo armed by the door of the Everton, Robin Olsen, the week of last week. Olsen fue asaltado en su casa por ladrones enmascarados que le obligaron a entregar materials caros, including a reloj de lujo.

Walker follow the steps of his colleagues Marcus Rashford y Raheem Sterling to stay in touch with Chaperone K9, stay where train guards and stay in Leicestershire. According to The Sun diary, the ciudadano jugador pagó 46,000 euro (1,317,084 de lempiras) of a Doberman called Apollo, and honors all of Rocky’s boxer rival in the famous movie.

“It was decided to protect his family at all costs, and Apollo could help. If you try to react, you will determine key words that only the family will understand. Watch out for the entrance gate, but also carry out perimeter checks inside and through the regular form drive, ”said a source in the English diary.

Walker living in Cheshire, donde Olsen and his young family were killed by machetes. In February, the home of the Italian coach Carlo Ancelotti fue allanada, y los intrusos tomaron una caja fuerte despuits de ser encrados por su hija.

La Premier League record players’ vigilantes security protocols that brindan advises on what to do in cases like a robbery mano armada. It was reported that various pre – occupied players were questioned about the purchase of trained guard dogs.
