A developer made 154 intentions to solicit Elon Musk’s permission to make a game about SpaceX and finally receive a response

It presented the interface and announcement that the 80% of the profits will go to the millionaire company.

The founder of SpaceX, Elon Musk, received the application of one of his followers, the Independent developer Lyubomir Vladimirov, who plans to make a game about SpaceX and the colonization of March and employs 154 people to communicate with the magnate.

“Querido Elon. I’m a game developer, and I’m having a game about Marte’s colonization with his participation and SpaceX’s. If he thinks it’s great, he’s the one who needs it ‘to use it’ to use your number and logos. Published these are all days during a year or until you have received a ‘sí’ or a ‘no’. 154/365 “, says the message.

Musk the answer, saying that “we can rob our number and logos, and we will probably not ask”. Vladimirov evaluation this phrase as a permission and day that continues to work on the theme. Aún más, published a brief fragment of the interface of the game.

“I would like 80% of SpaceX’s game changers. In this way, the game alone will complement the important proposal to entertain the people and save their interest in Marte, so we can also help Elon Musk in SpaceX. “, verklaaró the developer.
