A demonstration studio that beber café antes de hacer eiercicio ayuda a quemar grasas

A study from the University of Granada demonstrates that caffeine intake before exercise is directly linked to the grass. The cafe is present in the life of 90% of the Spaniardss. About everything there is to know about the café and other wonderful things. También, another study in Pais Vasco, will study how it reacts to the taste of this baby.

The University of Granada study has the test with 15 men. One of them gave him a placebo and a loaded car and after that he got excited. To those who have served a loaded coffee son los que han quemado más grasas. Each one has its own bites at the time of action, some of which are preferred by the month and others by the delay. Equally maneuverable, one toman algo antes, while others have ownership in ayunas. Pero, following this studio, seems to consume a coffee, solo, loaded and 30 minutes before the sport is good for quemar grasa.

Francisco Amaro, the head of the studio, explains that the caffeine “is an alkaline substance that activate and excite the nervous system autonomous “. Dolores Castillo, CSIC investigator, added that this” should be a acceleration of energy metabolism which has a mayor energy expedition, an energy loss, and also the oxidation of grasses “.

Another investigation in the Vasco Country is trying to react to the vacations in the café. The dates say that per kilo of coffee has two kilos of weight. To approve the poses of the café of the hostel, a laboratory where they have mixed with food to study the reaction of the animals.

“We have seen that the ingredient behaves in a proper manner in the interior of the animals and that results in its frankness. promoter“, dobbeltsteen David San Martín. Con los primros resultats parece que al ganado le sienta bien, no pierden la calma y además aumentan ligeramente su production.
