A cruising cruising race conveys a Jerusalem pandemic

One cruises without peregrines were very competitive because of the calls of the Old City of Jerusalem, which had been established since the beginning of the pandemic and which saw a new Viernes Santo atypical only with respect to the precoronirus normality.

There were various sciences of people concentrating on the city, above all, Palestinian localities, religions of the Catholic communities of Tierra Santa and international residents of the region.

Juntos siguieron los pasos del Calvario de Jesús, desde la iglesia de la Flagelación, que señala donde Christo fue condenado, hasta la basílica del Santo Sepulcro, donde la tradition indique que fue crucified, muerto y sepultado.

The procession was carried out by a group of Franciscans, followed by tens of thousands of people who were in one of the Catorce stations of the Vía Dolorosa, where they spoke Italian, English and Spanish.

There will also be a large group of Palestinian soldiers advancing on them, who will work for years and who will carry the large crosses of Madera.

During this time, the corridor was accompanied by dozens of Israeli frontier police officers, who facilitated its circulation with multiple valleys in the Cieudad Vieja streets, located in the eastern part of Jerusalem, including occupation and annihilation.

There will be demonstrations by Muslim residents of the city of Israel and dozens of Israeli tourists, who will approve the holidays of the Jewish Passover (Pesach) to visit the Holy City and observe the ceremony, and to visit the local shopkeepers menigte tras un año en el que sufrieron como pocos la ausencia de turistas.

From the news of the coronavirus Israel pandemic, we know the influx of tourists to avoid contagions, so we want to go to Jerusalem from the miles of peregrinos that are here for years to come.

To top it off, the veloz campaign of Israeli evacuation, which increased by more than 50% of the population and allowed the total case of the economy, explains the high influenza of today, which contrasts with the gray ceremony of the year passed, when only four Franciscans made the run.

“I am extremely pleased with God for the opportunity to be allowed to be here in Jerusalem, living another year of the Passion of Christ”, said Efe Ángela, Colombian resident of Tel Aviv City.

“It’s important that we have this pandemic so fearful that it will happen to live the world, that we may live a moment more spiritual, we will participate in it, we will strive for this passion that favors our enlightenment and helps us to escape it. pandemic “, aggregate.

Women on this occasion have not been able to assist many Christian Christians in occupied Egypt and the blockade of Gaza in Gaza, through a reduction in the number of permits granted by Israel due to the pandemic that was recorded during the last weeks.

Different from previous years, in which tens of thousands of residents and some tens of thousands of residents of Cisjordania went to the Ciudad Santa to celebrate the Pascua, on this occasion the Christian enclave of the costero enclave and flew only 5,000 Palestinians who were from the other side of the wall to the celebrations of the local community.

“It is true that this Santa Claus is special, because he has no friends, because he has nothing, for the local Christians, the continuers of the time of Jesus in this Holy Land, are those who support our father”, expressed to Ephesus the father Manolo Lama, 60 years old, originally from Seville and resident of the citadel of Beit Sahur.

The liturgies continue this night in Jerusalem, including the ceremony of the funeral of Christ in the Basilica of Santo Sepulcro, preview of the ceremonies of the Sabbath of Glory and the Domingo of Resurrection.
