A conversation with my hey antes of irse to descento eterno

On occasion, it would be difficult to write a testimony for the glory of God, unless everything is referred to in the death of a hijo … my own hijo … is not easy. For the moment, I have seen it happen on the night of the 29th of January, in which I meet in the Lord while listening and see a powerful message in revelation of the writings of the Holy Spirit of God.

The pastor of the Ebenezer Ministry, a minister of his church in the city of Guatemala, is a satellite of my hogar. Thanks to the misery of our Senor, an alert signal was revealed in my interior to pose a special attention to a few words that, on the part of Senor, the pastor advised that I be directed to a mother who would listen to me from the stranger.

Él dijo: “hija, no temas porque hace tiempo tengo a tu hijo inskrito en el libro de la vida…”. These words are to be found in the depths of my heart, they are explained, but the thoughts of the Lord are all high and our tongues read aloud, and only we can ask the Creator that we are illuminated and full of misery.

After the ceremony I reflected on these words until I heard them. I also wanted to send my Ignacio, via telephone, I would like to make some mention of this reflection. Without embarrassment, following in the footsteps of these phrases has just released the album and seen the works of the new day.

Intentaba meditates in the message that the various contents, in its interpretation, in order to be able to understand its meaning and assume that it has been directed to me.

I can declare that, for the spiritual edification of my mind, alma mater and courage, the Lord will prepare for me to speak more alms and hunger with the spirit of holiness, in the grace of his grace, of Christianity, of hope and of love in which it allows us to live.

The day

This Saturday 30th of April a normal day, as any other, but I can immediately explain that Latvia is very much in my lap, as a species of alert about what to expect. The savvy acostumbro a pasarlos con mi hermana, almorzamos juntas, platicamos y compartimos en cariño broederlike. But, debating the inexplicable sentiment that this invasion makes me see, the llama and the day: “I do not hope, I have no desire to sell, only I want to be in the presence of God, alabando and glorifying his number”.

Although I do not understand the reason for the survey and the moment by which it is happening, I can praise and adore our God, because I am convinced that everything we do is part of the divine plan in our lives and we will recognize that vrywillig de nuestro Padre Celestial es la que debe cumplirse.

If there is one hour and I call him by phone, We will tell you and say: “Mami, if you see me”. The question he asked was he and the answer: “No, it’s like I’ve seen you, I’re in the hospital, but I’m not strong.”

The question is whether I sleep well and I say yes, he says: “We want to help you go to the hospital, because you have a bad attitude and you have to tell them that you read and give me advice”. I do not care about health, but in order to hiccup the will of God, why, I have to give my attention, it is good and content. When he went to the hospital, he said: “God is good, close your cell that you are called by me”, to what he said. In a video called the day: “déjame ver la facade del hospital para tirarle una Foto”. He asks: “What is it for”, to which he replies: “To see if the clinic where you are staying within ten months”?

He enters the hospital and nurses the patient, he lives in the emergency room, he stays, the first ailments and the dice that have the very low pressure, while he is permanently in the emergency room. Instant antes le había pedido que me dejara ver su rostro y lo encontre tan tranquilo, tan bonito y normal que en vez de intranquilizarme sentí mucha paz.

The next step is waiting and you will continue to do so by listening to the interaction between them. The one giving a sueru and is when, taken by Dios, takes a moment to preach the message of appreciation and conversion to the young nurse said: “Hay that ALISTARSE pronto, it is necessary that you reconcile in Jesus and accept him as your Savior, in order to connect a new life with Jesus and be able to be part of the Church that is hoping for Jesus Christ, because Christ came another time ”.

Yo me mantuve observando todo y orando, me puse muy contenta y mi hijo, al escucharme sonreír, me dice: “Mami y por qué te ríes? yo le dije: “Es que mis dos hijos fueron las primeras almas que yo les entregué a Dios, y verte y escucharte en medio de un dolor predicando la Palabra me da mucho gozo, me siento feliz y orgullosa de saber que esa enfermera sintiera la paz que tú y yo tenemos ”.

Let us say our words: “But let us go to the house of the Lord, let me know where I am and what I will do y”, and he said: “I can be very late”, I have to say that I want to help you to intercede , hasta that she says: “OK., voy to hope the doctors of gymnastics for irme”. In that moment I said, “God forbid that we should part with a new life in Jesus.” It’s a scene that moved my alma mater, I’m talking about it from Miami and I’m here in Santo Domingo, performing juntos for the salvation of a alma mater. Have a great day! My sentí tan contenta que comencé a reírme y él me dijo: “Mami, eso es lo que tu me hat enseñado, recuerda que yo fui tu primma alma para Dios”.

It is very important, while the doctors will read and say to the nurse: “It is very necessary that we meet Jesus Christ, as we prepare all, then Christ will come soon. Luego de aceptar a Cristo en su corazón le pedí a mi hijo que me dejara hablar con ella y el tomar telephon me dijo: “Que paz siento en medio de tantos problemas que llegan aqui, y usted ministrándome paz y alegría”.

In a gesture of appreciation, the nurse says that she must have read the medicines in order not to be alone. As a video I was able to watch the angelic sound that I had, I told her when she said: God bless you new life.

The notice

The nurse walks by, the doctors enter and leave and she tells me: “Mami Dios you bendiga, you want much, you call me or you call me slower, because they have to check”. Immediately pushes the alabans and cantics of adoration to the Creador. I was alone in the house, I could not say anything to my husband and I had another, but I was very happy to listen to him and he did the same thing as his mother taught him during the last ten years.

Follow me until you receive a signal from Espíritu Santo que me dijo: use the photo you want to send to your hermano, you immediately send it to my hermana, the communiqué lo staba pasando, ella lama to my hermano y it’s the word that communicates with the doctors of the clinic where it lasts months before it is crucified to leave, and that the center is looking for it.

It’s a shame to have hours of intentions to communicate with me and not to lose it. When the doctors called me hermano llegan donde mi hijo, observan que staba solo in la habitation and que su situatung de salud se había agravado, debido a que le bajo la presion, por lo que fue necesario llevarlo a sala de Intosivos, donde le dio un infarto. I immediately communicated with them and told him all that had happened.

She called me hermana Milagros and the communiqué lo ocurrido y es ella quien me da la nefasta noticia. Fue at the moment when you can understand that God has everything planned. Puse me alabar a Dios, por gracia de saber que mi hijo, con sus audifonos en sus oidos escuchando alabanzas murió en un cerrar y abrir de ojos. Celebrating the new life in paradise.

Sobrenatural algae sent this night, my adoration to God in this moment of the glorious despise of me hijo al descanso eterno, dondde iba a morar para siempre, cultivating in my heart the velo of the oration and the alabanza, union of gozo, paz y the consul of his spirit to be able to find the pain that golpeó my alma with this notice.

The message

Reflecting on the subject, there is a great warning for the church. And it’s God’s talking to us about how he compliments us with the great message that we have gained. How many times have we had the opportunity to preach in the Palabra, we will leave the new wells for a very long time, and we will feel that we have no time, that we are occupied, that quizzes must be … without thinking that we can be very late

Estamos contains a preacher of the gospel in time and power of time. I found the path in the Señor and it was on the descent to the east and only in its last minutes of the terrestrial life I was able to transmit the message of salvation and, so to speak, to my proposal to meet, to meet his brother while he was crying and feel the peace that only God can give us.

His physique duele, sin duda, extraño converse con él y por momento pienso va telephon va a sonar y contestaré su llamada… per pienso en lo maravilloso el el Senor ha sido conmigo y mis hijos, encontrando consuelo en el dolor que se vuelve regoction and satisfaction to the gut that God has all control and that we do not abandon one instant.

For there are two thanks to El, from the depths of my heart. Hoy mi hijo is in a special place that Christo le había reserved, also is in my courage and in my thoughts. Me quedan sus hijos, mis nietos queridos, como part su su legado, y junto a su hermano, mi otro hijo, seguiré predicande el evangelie hasta que Dios asi lo quiera, con la certeza de que algún día el Senur reunir de nuevo bajo sus helas y juntos alabaremos su gloria y misericordia.

Descansa en la misericordia del Senor Ignacio Álvarez.

Tu madre, Margarita García
