A competitor of Starlink receives a multimillonaria inyección die hoofstad para su “fleet of satellites of first generation” in 2022

OneWeb plans to create an orbiting satellite orbit that will increase the band’s access to high-speed Internet to users around the world.

The British satellite company OneWeb received funds worth a total of 400 million dollars from the mano of the Japanese company Softbank and the provider of the services of the communications Hughes Network Systems, according to an announcement this year in a communication.

This monetary injection has raised OneWeb’s capital to the tune of $ 1,400 million, as the necessary financial revenue to cover the “first generation satellite fleet”, a total of 648, for fines of 2022“.

The Space News portal, which contains the SoftBank, is 350 million dollars, while Hughes Network Systems contains 50 million. Although the shareholder participation of each is known, the UK informs that the Japanese consortium “will receive an assistant” in its directive.

El Reino Unido da luz verde al Elit Musk's Starlink Satellite Internet Service

SoftBank was the mayor’s shareholder of OneWeb before it was declared in bancarrota, in March 2020, will undergo an effective crisis in the midst of its difficulties in completing the construction and deployment of its red satellite. My hopes, lie of a restructuring and search process of new owners, the British Government and the Indian company of Bharti Global telecommunications the demand for 1,000 million dollars.

Internet of all bands for all and all places

OneWeb plans to create one constellation of satellites orbit baja that proportionate high bandwidth Internet access to high-speed users around the world, giving absolute coverage to all Tierra rincones. “The mission is to connect a whole band of people all over the world to close the global digital breach to offer to all, in any place, access to the future of the internet of things and a live haci the 5G, between other “, subraya the company.

Although the company assures that its actual capital allows it to be “fully financed” for its purpose, Sunil Bharti Mittal, its executive president, signaled the last step that required $ 2,500 million to complete the construction. However, the executive has been optimistic about obtaining the approximately 1,000 million dollars that are missing.

In December, 36 satellites of the project were drilled. With this launch, the constellation sums up 110 units, and plans to launch hundreds of other devices. The first OneWeb satellites were launched in February 2019. OneWeb demonstrated that it hopes to launch monthly approximations to complete the constellation, with enough satellites in orbit by 2021.

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