A Christian school expels a child by deciding to a partner she likes | Telemundo

By Jo Yurcaba – NBC News

A private Christian school in Oklahoma expelled a second-grade student and courted the lazy ones with their families when they confessed that she had a classmate she liked.

The mother of the alumna, Delanie Shelton, received a lame child on the 21st of January from the Rejoice Christian School in Owasso, in the afulaas of Tulsa, in which the communiqué that tenia retrieves to his henna year, Chloe, tras an “incident on the recreational patio”.

When he went to school, sub-director Kelli Owens said the question was “about where the chicas like the chicas”.

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Chloe.Delanie Shelton via NBC News

“The day: ‘Well, if you are honest, believe me it’s good that the chickens like the chickens’. Disgusted and surprised by my response “, Shelton account.

The director, Rita Woolf, asked Chloe about “this type of language about gay talk”. Shelton responds that gay couples are represented in many television programs for children, and added: “Less than full-fledged projects are part of life”.

The employees of the school the pidieron who is living in his house and who does not have the trajectory of regression until the next day. When we go to the house, Shelton says that Chloe started to lose and the account that a master says that the Bible says that “only you can have sex and have sex with a man, and that the nuns the gusten the nines are a pecado, ya that is not in the Bible and is not good in the eyes of God”.

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Shelton explained that the situation was “disgraceful” to her and that she had been waiting while she was praying and God would love her and she would be equated to feel like this, and that God would love her and always have her.

“A school that has to teach itself to love, the grace and forgiveness of God and make it a goddess who also knows that God does not love is good”, lamented.

On the following day, the superintendent, Joel Pepin, lamented that the school “ended up in a relationship” with the Shelton family, including Oliver, Chloe’s husband of five years, because the family members were not alone with the center.

On January 28, Pepin issued a statement saying: “Debate on privacy and other factors, is the policy of the abstaining school of public comments about any student or family”.

The access to the school manual, which is online but is restricted. Without embarrassment, according to the shelters shared by Shelton, it appears that the school has changed the manual since courtesy of the Shelton family, although no version addresses the relationships between people of the same sex.

In a cover shot by Shelton on the same day that Chloe was fired, the manual states that “school relationships” are prohibited. A second capture took place on March, indicating that students could build “based on purity” relationships, but not allow “inappropriate” demonstrations.

Shelton claims that he did not examine the manual in detail in order to know his policies regarding relationships between people of the same sex when he enrolled in Chloe’s four years.

Since Chloe was fired, Woolf has refused to hold a family reunion, according to Shelton.

“We have no plans to sue for anything”, he said, “simply echaron a mis hijos después de cuatro años. We smoke in our churches and Chloe plays in the balance of balance and animation, as well as a large part of our life. Fue más que solo la escuela “.

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Shelton registered with Chloe and Oliver in a new center and account that the family has received support from local authorities since the incident. Hogares que viven al otro lado de la calle de Rejoice organizeron un desfile par Chloe y colocaron carteles con mensajes de apoyo en sus patios, y la familia recibió tarjetas por correo.

“The hizo feels much more comfortable being the mother and believing that God will love and love those people who do not know the support of the support and the love of love”, Shelton added.

The family has not taken legal action, but “the probability is over the month”, según la madre.

Sondeverbod, it is not clear if an Irish request is in favor of the family. Paul Castillo, advocate and strategist for Lambda Legal students’ students, a legal defense group for LGBTQ teachers, said that private religious schools are rigorously differentiated from public schools and can include others, including receive federal funds.

In addition, Rejoice received more than $ 1 million in April from the Federal Government’s Pagoda Checks Protection Program against the coronavirus pandemic. Additionally, Oklahoma’s discrimination laws do not include LGBTQ people.

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Religious schools are not obliged by the federal government to publish their position on relationships between people of the same sex. For example, many fathers write in their homes in religious schools and lie when they declare that their opposition to matrimony is between persons of the same sex, according to Castillo.

“It’s important that fathers and future families have a view to school and have access to diversity and inclusion,” said Castillo, adding that there are private religious centers that support LGBTQ families.

What Chloe wants to change is to make sure she has years, says her mother, only that she says that “she does not import when she has an appointment, she tends to support and love, she does what she does”.
