A charla in Clubhouse between Elon Musk and the Robinhood cofounder has released an alud of new users

Users of the live streaming platform can only invite a limited number of friends, which hizo that people pay for it.

The charla surprise that the technology empress Elon Musk and the co-founder of the Robinhood, Vlad Tenev line correlation application has kept this domino in Clubhouse has saved the number of new users on this live audio network, informs you.

The conversation between Musk and Tenev, which took place during a regular event of the program ‘The Good Time Show’, helped to locate the platform in the high part of the bulletin boards, leaving a gap between the internet to send invitations to Exclusive service.

The demand for service invitations has increased as much as it has surpassed a market of the same platforms in platforms like Reddit, eBay or Craigslist, and Clubhouse users can only invite a limited number of friends during their pre-launch period.

Ansversos ansiosos

What is Clubhouse, the live social network of audios that has been raised 1,000 million dollars and is listed for its large-scale launch

Hecho, in China the invitations to the platform are sold at Idle Fish, the second mano market of the Alibaba e-commerce company, while in Japan the investors, workers in the technology sector and the media “he invaded” the service.

‘N Pesar de que solo is available for Apple iPhones, is die beste martes the live audio application already accumulates from 3.6 million installations in all the world, this is a third party in the last six days, according to the Sensor Tower data analysis company.

The investors are very anxious to participate in the success of the social network, which this month will increase by 117% the shares of Clubhouse Media Group, a company that has no relationship with the platform that Musk uses in Tenev for its charla directly. .

¿Commercial Opportunity?

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For its part, the Chinese technology company Agora, which contributes to the NASDAQ stock market, saw its shares create a 30% reduction in the circulation of news that is present as a possible clubhouse of society, whose value is millions of millions of dollars. dollars following the company’s latest round of financing with headquarters in San Francisco.

Some Internet users criticize that the conversation between Musk and Tenev will have limited access. According to the British agency, Clubhouse aspires to the application widely available and prevent commercial opportunities on the basis of subscriptions or entries for events such as the one protagonizing the companies.

A report on the application, which is currently only available to those employees, said that he had been accused by the social network of violating various rules related to racism, audio discourse, sex and abuse, while standing investing in herramientas to detect and prevent this type of behaviors.

What did it look like? Give your opinion in the comments!
