A caravan of miles of migrants advancing through Guatemala and headed to Mexico | International

Salieron el viernes de San Pedro Sula, en el suroeste de Honduras, lograron cruzar la frontera con Guatemala pese a las initilisit initiales des las autoridades y este sábado se dirigían hacia el sur de México con el proposito de llegar a Estados Unidos. A new caravan of miles of migrants distributed in groups of people – more than 6,000 people according to official estimates – abandons the Central American country with the hope generated by the Washington administration and a possible shift in migrant policies with the Gobierno Joe Biden, who holds the position of teacher. Huyen de la violencia, de la miseria agravada por la devastación que dejaron los huracanes Eta y Iota y el descontrol en la gestion de la pandemia de coronavirus. Taken aback, the tenor of the images and humanitarian personnel related to the zone is determined to follow.

The caravan, which has ten options for entry into Guatemala, will finally move to the front of the Florida front, to the city of Guatemala. During the wagon journey, there were many scenes of tension with the armed forces and security, which he managed to disperse to the columns of migrants. For example, in the Department of Chiquimula, military militias operate against a group, although the Guatemalan Institute of Migration ensures that it intends to “release the route through the high vehicle load that is registered in the airport”.

But the main obstacle that will happen in the next hours is the first major migration of 2021 in Mexico. Authorities have lifted controls on the frontier, in the State of Chiapas and especially at the International Point Rodolfo Robles between Ciudad Hidalgo and Tecún Umán. The division, with effective sciences of the Ejército and the National Guard, is, according to General Vicente Antonio Hernández in Efe, the habitat in these cases. On this occasion, without embarrassment, the sanitary complications of covid-19 were added and each migrant will be subject to the protocols and controls of the Secretariat of Health.

The authorities of all the affected countries insist on respecting the human rights of migrants, which are located in vulnerable conditions, although some tension episodes have been recorded. Lorena Guzmán, Coordinator of Migration of the International Committee of the Red Cross (CICR) in Central America and Mexico, recorded in a conversation with EL País that these people “from the beginning of their lives are very precarious”. “The situation in Honduras is quite preoccupied with the covid and the Eta stadium,” he recalls. And the caravan, composed mainly of young people, but also for many families and minors, not only the climatic rigs of brisk temperature changes. The multiple pandemic now riesgos y, although Guzmán signaled that “it is identified in a positive way that the people are living cubrebocas”, also it is hidden in his truck has a limited access to man-made conditions and favorable hygienic conditions.

The regional directorate for the United States of the International Federation of the Cruz Roja Societies and the Luna Roja Media (IFRC), Martha Keays, qualified in a statement of “preoccupation” the potential exclusion of migrants from covid prevention plans -19. And so it is on the habitual scams, the protection and the abuse. “Many people suffer from accidents and amputations, including extortions and sexual violence, or disappearance and separation from their families. Some people are assigned to the wall because of time and time constraints, ”Guzmán said.

This migration is, of course, in a crucial political cohort, since Democrat Joe Biden is about to take over the rents of the White House and have in his hands a turn to the decisions adopted by Donald Trump in the last four years. . The salaried mandate in Andrés Manuel López Obrador llegraon to cooperate to contain the caravans and ante the facilities of the magnate, which agitated the ghost of a warring arancelaria in the exports, Mexico was to militarize the front on and return the controls of the migrants ingresan from Guatemala.

In a telephone conversation between López Obrador and the President-elect Biden today in front of Navidad both agree to initiate a new truck in migration policy matter and, at least on paper, compromise to promote cooperation between EE UU and Mexico to guarantee me secure and order, contain the coronavirus, boost the economies of North America and secure the common front ”. It also urges, according to Gobiernos’ officials, to “deal with the fundamental causes of migration in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and the south of Mexico, in order to build a future of mayoral opportunity and security in the region”. Biden admits in the final term of the election campaign that Barack Obama’s mandates, when he took over the vice presidency, did not attend this emergence with the emergency that mercy. There are now 11 million people scheduled to meet in the United States on paper in the first days of their administration.
