A California nurse against covid 19 after being evacuated

California, United States.

A nurse working in the emergency services of california city of San diego ha dado positive a la covid-19 apenas unos días después de haber sido vacancy contra esa enfermedad, informan hoy medios estadounidenses.

The sanitary worker has been identified as Matthew W., a nurse of 45 years ago, who received the first dose of vaccine prepared by Pfizer-BioNTech the past 18 December.

Following the announcement of the proposed KGTV broadcast, an affiliate of the ABC News chain, the only secondary effect that Sufri will have been inoculated witha vacuum fue dolor en el brazo.

Without embarrassment, six days later, he realized a turn in the emergency unit from his sanitation center with patients of coviof the scallop sense, dolor muscle y fatiga. Una prueba en el hospital confirmed positive of SARS-CoV-2.

Only experts consulted by the chain, this case is not “some hope“, the patients who are evacuated do not develop a decisive protection against the coronavirus immediately after receiving the medicine.

The clinical trials with the vacuna he demonstrated that this ammunition, which is read by 95% of the evacuees, can be consecrated after having received a second dose of the preparation that, in the case of Pzifer, tarda unos 21 days ago in inoculated new.

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Además, given that the period of coronavirus incubation you can have up to 14 days, it is also possible that the nurse se hubiera infected antes de recibir la vacuna the 18th of December.

According to the experts, these cases are not more than youa recording of what vacant no son la panacea; to keep it pandemic The time and manner in which the basic social practices of maintaining the social distance, lavarse las manos frequently y use mascarillas. EFE
