A Botticelli retreat sold for 92 million and marked the artist’s record

A retreat painted by Botticelli made it 540 years old, it sold its jewels for more than 92 million dollars in a sauna in the Sotheby’s new seat, which marks a new price record for a work by the artist of Renacimiento and super with the facility of 80 millions that preveían the experts.

It was the first time that the “Hombre joven sujetando un medallón” set was released in 1982 and only the quarter has been sold for the last 200 years, according to Sotheby’s.

“The last time he sold on the market was in 1982. The antes of this stage were in a private collection of the principles of sail XX, and the antes of him in the end of the finals of sail XVIII, creemos. Asi we do not see much in menudo”, account of Efe the neoyorquino director of the department of Grand Masters of Sotheby’s, Christopher Apostle.

The case of the subjects describes the work as “one of the best pieces of the Renaissance in reading the sub-jams” by various factors, between them and their exceptional state, weighing more than 5 signs of antiquity, and by the hecho of which to treat of one of the only three retreats of Botticelli to be held in private hands.

“In my 30 years of professional career, there has never been a Botticelli who cares about the quality, condition, beauty and importance of this,” Apostle said.

The piece, sold in a week of subjects that Sotheby’s dedicates to the great masters of art history, brings out the exorbitant figure of less than 4 minutes of battle between various computers that can be reached by telephone and represented by business representatives. in the offices of New York and London.

From the price tag of 70 million dollars, then less than 60 seconds to increase the 80 million dollar price, which is a telephone salesman from the London seat, a figure that is worth 92,184,000 dollars in summer bags and taxes.

Así, “Hombre joven sujetando un medallón” pulveriza el anterior precio maxim de una de Botticelli, al ser nuve veces superior a los 10,5 millones que se pagaron in 2018 por “Madonna y el Niño con San Juan Bautista”.

In addition, it is located as the second retreat painted by one of the great masters (paintings of European antiquities in 1800) more like history, only by “Salvator Mundi”, by Leonardo Da Vinci, sold for 450.3 million of dollars of 2017.

Antes de venderse, la obra viajo var vari ciudades del mundo, entre ellas Londres, Dubái y Los Ánges antes de llegar a Nueva York, una gira en la que desperto enorme expectacion, especialmenti in the British capital and in the metropolis of the Arab Emirates , give in a solo day a 300 people accudieron to the galleries of the house of subas to admire.

Although Botticelli was a very famous artist who painted various members of the Medici family, the great patrons of the Renaissance of Florence, many of his retired sovereigns over the course of time, and the Mayor of them are exhibited in museums.

In 1982, the sale of 810,000 libraries (up to 1.1 million dollars on the current exchange), but this time the experts valoraron antes de subasta and 80 million dollars compared to other masterpieces that he salads on the market, as Francis Bacon or Picasso read.

Sotheby’s Destacó added Botticelli’s relevance to the history of the art, and recorded that he was responsible for some of the more iconic pieces, such as “Primavera” and “El nacimiento de Venus”.

“Sandro Botticelli is really the artist for the excellence of the Florentine Renaissance. Antes by Miguel Ángel and antes by Leonardo da Vinci were Botticelli”, subtitled Apostel.

It was also the second team that raised over 80 million dollars in a Sotheby’s subdivision since the house was obliged to pay for the sale of the most digital way post by the June pandemic, which paid off 84 Millions of dollars for “Triptych inspired by the Orestíada de Esquilo”, by Francis Bacon.

In the sub of these jewels, the collectors also hope to have the sale of the little one for the magistrate set “Abraham and the Angels”, a work by Rembrandt valued at 20 to 30 million dollars and which is one of the only five biblical paintings in man privadas.

Without embarrassment, the piece was retracted from the subwoofer before the sale.
