A bobcat attack, and a man swinging into action

Just before the baboon was attacked, the quiet subdivision where Happy and Kristi Wade in Burgaw, NC, was the picture of tranquility in the suburbs.

Mr. Wade wore a pan of brownies and me. Wade carried their cat, Caroline Faith, in a carrier. It was a Friday morning, and they were on their way to a vet in Wilmington, about 40 miles away, for a regular appointment.

“Good morning,” Mr Wade cheerfully said to a passing jogger before saying, “I have to wash my car.”

When Wade says she hears a loud growl. She thought it was just a neighborhood cat. But it was a rabid bob crawling out from under a car in the driveway.

“I will not soon forget the look in the cat’s eyes,” she said in an interview. “It was aimed at me, and then I ran.”

‘O my God! Oh, my God! She shouted, as the baboon lowered his teeth into her left hand and then crawled on her back and on her shoulder.

The attack was captured by the Wades’ home security camera a video Wade said it was formed over the internet after Mr. Wade shared it with his boss, who shared it with someone else whose nephew posted it on TikTok.

The 46-second clip drew attention to Mr. Wade’s secondary response to his wife’s screams.

Mr Wade runs to his wife, pulls the baboon off her back and holds the animal up with his bare hands while itching and growling.

“Oh my God, this is a baboon!” he shouted.

Then he threw the animal across the lawn.

“Go out! Go out! Go out!” he shouted. But the baboon shoots back under the car. Wade shouted using an explicit that he would “shoot” the animal and warned the jogger to stay away.

“Passop!” he said. “It’s a baboon that attacked my wife.”

After the cut ended, Mr. Wade, who has a concealed carry permit, pulled out his pistol and shot the baboon, as did a sheriff’s deputy who responded to a 911 call. Wade said.

The sheriff of Pender County has confirmed that a baboon was killed on April 9 in the Creekside section of Burgaw. The sheriff’s investigation confirmed that the animal was rabid in North Carolina’s public health lab.

Me. Wade said her husband was not happy that he shot the baboon. The couple has two cats and a dog and serves on the council of a local human society, Ms. Wade said.

“We are animal lovers and it was very difficult for my husband to do that,” she said. “It was back. He knew he had no other choice. ”

Later, me. Wade said she and Mr. Wade learned that the baboon had attacked another neighbor about ten minutes earlier.

Me. Wade said she and Mr. Wade went to the emergency room after the attack. She had bite marks on her hand, scratches on her arm, claw marks on her back and other wounds. Her husband had bite marks on his hand and deep scratches. Both received antibiotics and the rabies vaccine, she said.

Ted Stankowich, a behavioral ecologist who specializes in mammals at California State University, Long Beach, said he was “really shocked” by the video.

Bobcats, which live in most parts of the United States, usually avoid humans and prey on rodents, rabbits and reptiles, he said.

“Any rabid animal will be much more aggressive towards humans,” said Dr. Stankowich said. “But a normal bobcat usually does not come to a neighborhood like that, in the suburbs, let alone attack such a person.”

Me. Wade said her injuries could have been much worse if her husband had not intervened.

“He saved my life,” she said. ‘If he had not been there, I do not know where I would have been or in what form I would have been. I do not know how I would have repelled it myself. ‘

Mrs. Wade added that she was “not the least bit surprised” that Mr. Wade did not put him in trouble that morning.

“It’s just the kind of person he is,” she said. ‘We’ve been married for 30 years. I met him when I was 15, and there was never any doubt in my life how much he loved me and how much he would do for me. ”
